Recent content by mijola3

  1. mijola3

    My Little Outdoor Meds

    looks dank brother keep up the good work.
  2. mijola3

    400w Flowering Tent - Clone / Mother Tent

    hey bro lookin good. nice and clean and tidy i like that. if i was u i might veg out a little bit longer, let those babys stack on some branches before putting them into the flowering room. if ur concerned about height then just prune or LST ! keep us posted man im whatchin
  3. mijola3

    White widow x big bud cfl grow

    looks like a white strain alright. nice work!
  4. mijola3

    800Watt-Ish All CFL Grow

    hey nice grow man, lookin good... i strongly recommend waiting another week -2 . the buds will take on some what of a 'glow' when they are ready... its hard to describe but you will know when theyre ripe. nice work + rep to you sir.
  5. mijola3

    Help me pull the triger on my perpetual sealed double rooms!?[CGE veg. vs. flower]

    good point, and when the humidity is high at night, that is when PM is at its finest. within 2 dark cycles with humidity above 65%, i saw the first signs of powdery mildew! my worst enemy.
  6. mijola3

    Blackberry - day 28 veg

    wow. tight. really those are gonna be fuckin bushes!!!!! how many watts are those lamps ?? thats some serious lumens man. im totally sub'd if youre gonna keep posting OD!
  7. mijola3

    All I want are some "Fucking Incredible" seeds...

    yip definitely seeds man. you see how the end of the hairs look dry and shrivelled and really thin? thats the first sign that it is forming a seed. sometimes the hairs even "pull in" to the calyx as it swells. lookin good and that looks like a good parent plant, nice and frosty. oh ya and dont...
  8. mijola3

    NEW GROW ROOM!!! 600W HPS flowering room complete build.

    im tuned man , so tuned. your an inspiration.
  9. mijola3

    All I want are some "Fucking Incredible" seeds...

    ya definatley a swollen calyx there. looks like a seed. that is one mean lookin little bud man!!! glad to see ur thread poppin up again, neat pics.
  10. mijola3

    Wheezers Organic 4x4 shared bed Grow, Round 2, Romulan!

    hey lookin awesome. how much longer you figure>?
  11. mijola3

    Why Do Plants Pray?

    this is a long thread for such a ridiculous question lol holy shit did you guys notice your plants are living breathing eating drinking things??? THEY ACTUALLY MOVE!!!! and towards the light! wow aren't you supposed to be "teaching how to roll"?
  12. mijola3

    My 1000w Grow Set up Jilly Bean, Lambs bread, White Grapes

    lol UB isn't a salesmen you'll have to research and read labels and try for yourself to see what works for you with your medium, environment, etc. Just my opinion. personally i go with organic amendments in my soil. goodluck and LOOKIN DANK sour
  13. mijola3

    Wheezers Organic 4x4 shared bed Grow, Round 2, Romulan!

    shit im late haha this is gonna be sick! just curious, which other amendments did you add to your soil instead of using the compost teas? anyway im subbd for sure can't wait to see how this round turns out! peace
  14. mijola3

    My pimped out, fully automated 4,800K watt set-up

    lmao, thats priceless. i gotta say, nice setup man. that CAP controller is seriously dank... hey + rep to you and goodluck.
  15. mijola3

    Odor Control Fairy Tale

    i concur, sorry if this isn't "helpful" per say...but facts is facts sorry brah;