Recent content by medicinallymedicated

  1. medicinallymedicated

    anyone know where I can find high cbd strains or seeds within michigan?

    The clone place is? That would be great for me, to be honest I actually live in wisconsin but got a temp res. in michigan so this whole ordeal has been kinda crazy. On top of that Im getting the meds for my mom who has horrible back pains. So if I could find everything in one place that would be...
  2. medicinallymedicated

    anyone know where I can find high cbd strains or seeds within michigan?

    Thanks kane, I might have to check out that clone place your talking about. Id prefer seeds but I guess right now I get whats available. If you know of any of the strains their selling there let me know, Im planning on hitting up OM of Medicine in Ann Arbor, cannatonic #4 but they only have...
  3. medicinallymedicated

    anyone know where I can find high cbd strains or seeds within michigan?

    Man, I hope so! Its just hard being patient for medicine but I guess I have no choice. All I want is to feel better and I've heard amazing results from these types of plants. That video on youtube of the little girl being cured with web is truly phenomenal.
  4. medicinallymedicated

    anyone know where I can find high cbd strains or seeds within michigan?

    Thanks for the replies guys, HGK ive hear od charlottes web, cured that little girl of seizures, she had something like 4 per hour for 2 years. I believe their located in Col. so Id have to take a trip up there but Im thinking it might be worth it. And thanks nurse, i just found a place called...
  5. medicinallymedicated

    anyone know where I can find high cbd strains or seeds within michigan?

    I hear ya man, truly unfortunate that we cant just openly talk about an herb/plant that does no harm but for some reason is shamed in certain parts of society, especially when people need it as medicine....Thanks for the input though I definitely appreciate it, I'll check that place out.
  6. medicinallymedicated

    anyone know where I can find high cbd strains or seeds within michigan?

    Im a mm patient of Michigan, just got the card. But I've been forever looking for high cbd strains with little to no thc. CBD crew doesnt cut it for me as I've heard from countless sources saying they dont even test their ratio's of cbd:thc. Ideally I'd love to find some seeds to grow my own. I...
  7. medicinallymedicated

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Definitely not selling, just for my personal use. Plan on trying to grow high cbd herbs, like "harlequin" , "cannatonic" and then maybe one autoflower, I heard their good for beginners. Im actually takn' a trip to michigan in the next couple days to see if they have any of the seeds Im lookn for.
  8. medicinallymedicated

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Nope havent bought anything yet, excluding some soil, I plan on buying this coming weekend.
  9. medicinallymedicated

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Nice girls you got there. And thanks for the advice. Yea I plan on using mylar as reflectant as well so that should help some Im guessing. If I can get away with 400 I def. will as I need to keep the electricity bill at a normal rate if I can.
  10. medicinallymedicated

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Right on. Definitely could use some more change in the pocket! Still leaning towards HPS for all stages, but idk if its worth it to ramp up the energy bill that much.
  11. medicinallymedicated

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Yea, unfortunately the closets all i got @ the moment. But right on with the panda film I found this Should suit my needs until I find something better. Ill also purchase an...
  12. medicinallymedicated

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Id love to go the tent route, but my funds :cry: Once I save up though I might. Well see how the closet goes first. Ill for sure have an ocsilating fan running 24/7, Im just not sure how many fans Ill need, Im guessing at most 2 maybe 1 clip on.
  13. medicinallymedicated

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Thanks man, yea this will definitely help alot I appreciate it.
  14. medicinallymedicated

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Awesome, thats the advice Im lookn for!:mrgreen: I appreciate it. Yea Ive been reading and I think Im going to go with HPS for everything this time around. Its my first time so I just want to take the most basic approach, then I can experiment from there.
  15. medicinallymedicated

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Thanks for reply itsme, I am just growing herb for my own medicinal use nobody else, maybe a friend here and there but thats it. I asked before but Im assuming Ill need two lights no matter what right? one for vegging and flowering.