Recent content by MedicalGardens

  1. MedicalGardens

    MedicalGardens is back!, Bubba Kush 45 days flower.

    Let me rephrase that, sober from dabs, I smoke more flower now , save my money,
  2. MedicalGardens

    Noob Cloner, Indoor Aeroponic 8 Site, Help please.

    Hello everyone, you might have seen me around here before. I have a 8 site cloner the water tempature is about 75 - 80 degrees day 3 in cloner, Blue city Diesel and Kush I need to know how long it takes cause the last 3 times i made clones I failed. I take the cuttings at a 45 degree angle...
  3. MedicalGardens

    MedicalGardens is back!, Bubba Kush 45 days flower.

    And the pictures there are pretty old, the plants there are a good 3 foot tall with about 25 tops!
  4. MedicalGardens

    MedicalGardens is back!, Bubba Kush 45 days flower.

    Thanks man i'm sober day 2, i gotta get a decent job. But growing is always going to be a hobby for me
  5. MedicalGardens

    MedicalGardens is back!, Bubba Kush 45 days flower.

    dabtime enough nutrients for indoor after outdoor harvest, and I got another ommp card lined up and a new location
  6. MedicalGardens

    MedicalGardens is back!, Bubba Kush 45 days flower.

    doing outdoor now and this year is a good year
  7. MedicalGardens

    MedicalGardens is back!, Bubba Kush 45 days flower.

    update, whats up guys
  8. MedicalGardens

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    OMMP. finally good to see another thread
  9. MedicalGardens

    Should I Get Rid Of This Plant ??? (Pics Included)

    leave it and see what happens
  10. MedicalGardens

    just harvested...

    on my skyrim
  11. MedicalGardens

    just harvested...

    Lol trolls
  12. MedicalGardens

    My harvest June 2014 Indoor oregon OMMP LEGAL, outdoor to

    Few pictures of my Bubba Kush, Harvested 10 oz 2 oz per plant - 5 foot tall all organics, All bubba kush 600W Room General Hydroponics Nutrients. I'm doing outdoor until October, hopefully Ill snap a few pictures, the plants are about 7 - 8 feet tall, plush berry jack the ripper, jack...
  13. MedicalGardens

    just harvested...

    thats shit weed
  14. MedicalGardens

    Hey,everyone, 1st DWC grow! Check it out!

    i'm going to get a 4 bucket system some day soon,,,, .. keep my ph steady between 5.5 6.5.... try to.. dabbing out right now,. made some bubba kush wax