Recent content by matthew

  1. M

    Wiki Leaks??

    All of it is raw intelligence which means that it has not been verified or vetted by analyst. It is also good to remember why we are there and that America isn't in the business of killing civilians. We have massively tightened our rules of engagement and in many cases if the taliban are using...
  2. M


    Got off work early, came home, did all the elaborate shit to get into my "grow batcave" where about 6 beautiful female were budding and 2 mothers on the other side. Like a dumbass I didn't take all the security precautions I usually do (locking the fucking door for one) because I knew my wife...
  3. M

    Afghan National Army STILL getting baked before patrols

    No one is shooting at you though, that would be the big difference.
  4. M

    Afghan National Army STILL getting baked before patrols

    Anyone who has followed the last almost decade in Afghanistan has probably seen pictures or videos of our (sometimes) allies, the Afghan National Army smoking either hashish or opium right before patrols. For some weird reason I figured that when these videos got out (first started coming out...
  5. M

    Truckin' in Pakistan with Hash About 5 minutes in and the driver is getting BAKED on splifs.
  6. M

    Prediction of Nuclear War

    This is kind of a broad topic. Do you have any specific situations like India and Pakistan? Of all the nuclear powers in the world they would be the least stable. Burma's military dictatorship is also in the process of building their own bomb but I think China will be more concerned about...
  7. M

    My Karma move of the day, 3 NatGeo documentaries about DRUGS!!!!!!

    Thanks for the link, I am watching the one on Heroin right now and I am really disapointed. The footage they used for Afghanistan was from another documentary I had already seen. Here is the link for the one on meth...
  8. M

    My Karma move of the day, 3 NatGeo documentaries about DRUGS!!!!!!

    National Geographic has been coving drug stuff a lot more and they have a new series called "Drugs Inc" where they look at all aspects of the "drug business" from users to dealers to doctors to movers to cops. The first one was on Cocaine and while it was interesting, I think they could have...
  9. M

    how weed won the west <(Documentry)>

    Including Alex Jones in this is like starting a conversation with "Hitler was a pretty good guy but....". For me it is a non-starter, the guy is nuts. I like the previous film this guy did (I recognize the narrator's voice) but I wouldn't want people who are on the fence about pot to see this...
  10. M

    Let's talk Iraq, specifically DU munitions, or how more than a million Iraqis will di

    I have yet to see any scientific evidence showing DU munitions are linked to any health problems.
  11. M

    Trying K2, not impressed thus far

    15 min in and it is wearing off. What a waste.
  12. M

    Trying K2, not impressed thus far

    Bought 3 grams at the head shop and it taste like absolute shit. I am going through a dry spell and figured it might be nice but it is NOTHING like pot. It taste like something my grandma would put in a in a tin on her living room table. About 10 minutes in I am feeling kinda spacey, but...
  13. M

    Barry Cooper story on This American Life (NPR)

    I was blown away today in the car to hear the entire, unbiased story of Barry Cooper on NPR today. They have to be the most pot friendly media outlet on the planet. The first part of the show looks interesting but the Barry Cooper stuff is on the ass end.
  14. M

    The Pacific

    I'm glad they didn't just shit out the Pacific version right after BoB made serious cash. Every time I see Tom Hanks' name I think the guy could run for president for either party, regardless of his positions and win with 80% of the vote.
  15. M

    The Pacific

    No one is besmirching the honor of the Corps but the average trigger puller on both sides was conscripted, young and fighting a caricature of what they thought the enemy was. For sure Pearl was a big factor for the Marines but there is still humanity there. I think it was the second episode...