Recent content by marky7186

  1. M

    Lost my plants in my house fire. (pics)

    Well it was actually a college apartment. Local volunteer firefighters tried to cover and hide them. When the cops swung thought to check for people again, they looked closely and found them. tear tear
  2. M

    Lost my plants in my house fire. (pics)

    haha, the best part is that the police talked to us and said they were the nicest plants they had ever seen and that whoever grew them did good job.. lol even though it was ghetto, guess kids around me here dont know how to grow.. Thank you RollitUP!
  3. M

    Plants slowly dieing?

    It's normal from what I've read for leaves to die off from the bottom up.. i just trimmed the ones looking sick and everything was fine afterwards.
  4. M

    Lost my plants in my house fire. (pics)

    Well now that im clear of any legal stuff I think it's safe to post again. had a house fire a little over a month ago in the apartment below mine. got a call from my roomate when I was high and drunk out on a friday night telling me the apartment was on fire. Adrenaline set in and I ran...
  5. M

    flowwwwwer quest???

    you need to smoke a blunt and chill the fuck out.. good god.
  6. M

    Budding with fluoro's?

    I'm only using two 4' flouro's and my one big plant is budding like crazy...!!!
  7. M

    My Shoplight keeps shutting off! Help!

    i think that might be the problem victor, i have a bunnnch of stuff in my room on that circuit, im gonna try running my computer and mini-fridge off of another and see if that helps...
  8. M

    My Shoplight keeps shutting off! Help!

    does anyone have an answerrr.. pleeease i dont want to give my plants too little light.. i want to make sure their happy :)
  9. M

    My Shoplight keeps shutting off! Help!

    Right now I'm using a shoplight with two 48" florescents and 4 cfl's in assorted fixtures and reflectors.... The problem is... randomly my shoplight will shut off and in order to get it back on, I have to take off the three-prong adapter unplug the power strip that it and the cfls are plugged...
  10. M

    i have no idea what i'm doing

    FDD use the program called DVD Flick, search it on Google, you can open any avi file or what not and then use it to burn it to dvd. it works great.. just make sure you go to the options and tell the program to burn the iso image after it's complete or you wont have a dvd.. CHEERS and goodluck
  11. M

    Cloning a plant during flowering

    I was wondering if it was any waste of a branch off one of my females to try and clone it after it has been under 12/12 for two weeks.
  12. M

    Cloning a plant during flowering

    I have a couple plants and I was thinking of giving a clone off of one to my buddy. Is it possible to clone after you've began flowing.. i'm at about 2 weeks of 12/12
  13. M

    Really New To The Whole Process.

    well you should definitely read the Grow FAQ up at the top of the page. It's very informative. You do not want to try and plant anything outdoors now on the East Coast unless your in the south I suppose. If your in the New England area, it will do nothing but die in couple weeks once we get...
  14. M

    2nd harvest pics.

    Lol That Looks Like Dirt!.. Maybe Grow Again And Use It As Soil.
  15. M

    Those legal bud things???

    mmm blonde's and video games.. lol