Recent content by MarioLife

  1. MarioLife

    COB spacing for new build

    You could aim for better energy efficiency with that many cobs. Bunch them closer together but run them much softer.
  2. MarioLife

    All COB Users - Lettuce Grow Challenge!!

    +1 for what the others said. Try to sell the blurples if they are in good condition and go DIY with some COBS(citi, vero, cree) or led strips(samsung) - either provide similar efficiency
  3. MarioLife

    Rider's first foray into LED strip lighting - Samsung H Series GEN3

    Wicked setup dude, what are you going to do with your cobs? You could wire loads of them onto one driver and have a super efficient veg light...
  4. MarioLife

    Fluence Vypr vs Latest Cobs vs Latest EB series - Differences?

    @Warpedpassage So the efficiency the fixtures provide can be achieved at home on a DIY level using the same diodes?
  5. MarioLife

    Replacing 30'x15' Room With LED Lighting

    DIY is easy with cobs, done it myself and saved thousands Or you could give your money away on a overpriced pre assmebled kit from some of the names mentioned in smokebros posts. Also gradual experiment like you said is a good idea, build as you go.
  6. MarioLife

    Fluence Vypr vs Latest Cobs vs Latest EB series - Differences?

    I been away from the LED scene for a while and noticed cobs and EB-type strips are doing very well, something I expected, but I also see people are still paying out fortunes for BML Spydr/Fluence Vypr LEDS - Why? What is the actual efficiency differences between these fixtures? I wouldn't have...
  7. MarioLife

    Is this 1818 better than 1212? | Longer timescale efficiency questions.

    crickey... gen 1... so old the link was archived.
  8. MarioLife

    Is this 1818 better than 1212? | Longer timescale efficiency questions.

    Wow what generation is that CITIZEN 3500K 54,9V CLL040-1818A5-353H1A7 cob?
  9. MarioLife

    New Spectrum King SK600

    Looks nice but overpriced, however I fail to see the point in having 1 monolithic grow light, I went with cobs to spread the light equally, that fixture will benefit the plants all differently depending on positioning.
  10. MarioLife

    Any UK LED Guys here?

    I am a UK LED guy - or should say COB guy, been using COBS for months now and am VERY happy with them, will never go back to HPS streetlight technology. The reduced heat benefits are worth the switch alone.
  11. MarioLife

    All COB Users - Lettuce Grow Challenge!!

    @Dreddd The size of those things are more like pumpkins
  12. MarioLife

    How to raise and lower hlg 65s?

    @Budzbuddha What reflectors and cobs are those in the pic?
  13. MarioLife

    Which led should i pick

    @Rolla J Nice DIY light, what brand are those strips?