Recent content by MadMangos

  1. MadMangos

    Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!

    KensGDP CLONE DAY 49
  2. MadMangos

    Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!

    Hey northwest GDP, any info on Cherry Kush. I pick it up in clone from patient to patient in San Jose.all they could tell me there was its a 'new' strain ken just made. As for the genetics all the could tellme was its kens og crossed with Somthing. Any info would help. Currently growning kens...
  3. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    hey everyone. Everything has been going good so far and the buds are comming along nicely... except for the Blue Dream. I belieive she has spider mites as thats what my friend told me. I have taken the leaves that looked like ths off and looked at them under the 60x and i dont see anything...
  4. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    basicly two leaves are on top of eachother and the water cant dry fast enough! fuck
  5. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    hey fellow growers, On both the erkles keep finding these water droppletts in random places, it seems to be causing some white mildew substance to form there. been trying to find the droplettes and drying them but they keep appearing!! only watering the soil and never any folliage. what are...
  6. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    Hey ya'll. Both erkles are pre-flowering.... blue dream is still gettin huge, got her tied down all aroudn and its in basket shape pretty dope!!! gonna have to put the pot in the ground tho because shes gettin tall. Grape ape is steady shmobbin and overtaking the erkles. LIttle OG Kush is gonna...
  7. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    No updates for awhile. ladies are growing good... been giving thme the humboldt grow and they are liking it. the grape ape is as tall as eithere erkle now. Blue dream is loving her supercrop and LST. Tied her down good. shes reallly enjoying the light Blue DREAM: Grape Ape: Erkle1: erkle2:
  8. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    the trainwreck.. what can be said..her life is just that. a trainwreck... Will she live? shes just hangin out in the yard. Lookin skimpy :spew:
  9. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    stopped by a new cannabis club. wasn't too impressed with the products but they had a shit load of cuts... bubba kush, og kush, cherry bomb... and like 10 otheres. the dude working there said there were all from f1 mothers grown from seed(not too sure what he means by f1). just felt spunky and...
  10. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    lol that supercab u have looks like i'll keep all the little pests out. my girls are in the world growinn tall twards the sun wit the breeze at their skirts. that Top44 u harvested is looking yummy man !!!
  11. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    haha I know what u mean with these club names its pretty silly... I am reallly hoping for the Trainwreck as that is one of my favorit strains. take is ez oh and on a side note.. That Humboldt Nutrients Grow organic is doing a damn good job. I can already see a difference in size from...
  12. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    since this is my frist grow I'm experimenting with trimming. Didnt touch the Grape Ape, and only supercroped the Blue dream. Those Erkles are just too damn bushy I had to take off some lower branches. Those bugs are gone! I"m really suprised how easy they were to eradicate. GROW ON
  13. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    I picked them up from purple heart paitet center in Oakland. They usually have purpel erkle but the time I got the blue dream was the only time I saw that strain. My boy said they have lotta afgooey right now
  14. MadMangos

    Purple Erkle, Blue Dream and Grape Ape outdoor clones. Pics, advice please

    I also gave them each a dose of Humboldt Nutrients Grow organic. I already had this shit so I decieded to give it a go for vegitative growth. I went down to the hydro store and picked up some tiger bloom, beastiebloomz, cha-ching and sugar daddy. I'm set for blooming!!!:fire: