Recent content by madicinal user 420

  1. M

    Fox Farm Strawberry Fields

    Im running some lemon og autoflowers in this soil so far im satisfied 8 days with no nutes and they are green and healthy just started adding some low nute levels today lets see how this goes
  2. M

    Wat it do every one

    Thanks bro been a member just always stayed quite
  3. M

    Wat it do every one

    Man I'm so bored of everything else besides my family and growing so how's everyone night going good I hope well I'm here to get any and every body's opinion on how to get them dense and very danky taste to our medicine throw it out their I'll take any advice
  4. M

    New at this Hydroponic stuff

    Thanks for the info i think they got a lil bigger
  5. M

    New at this Hydroponic stuff

    Thanks for tha info brotha
  6. M

    New at this Hydroponic stuff

    Also got my clones at my local dispensary in Central California
  7. M

    New at this Hydroponic stuff

    Im running gh flora series ph always at 5.8-5.9 ppm at about 1000 (light nute burn) humidity at 50-60 temps at 78 they did swell a bit I think it's the led I'm using that's killing my harvest also thinking it might have to do with my water temps
  8. M

    New at this Hydroponic stuff

    So check it out guys im running dwc 5 gallon, in it i have 3 ladies (green crack strain) im at day 32 flower i just would like to know wat the rollitup community thinks i feel these nugs are too small for day 32. I do have my medical card
  9. M

    no roots have droped

    Thanks ever use dyna gro. Or dyna Bloom
  10. M

    no roots have droped

    Wanted to start out with how come I have vertical growth but my roots haven't dropped into solution using grow stones dyna gro grow +protek +400 watt mh/hps dwc bucket system nothing fancy this is my trial run started with one plant been a almost a week and still alive
  11. M

    Just starting out! Need a few questions answered!!

    so bearly starting in dwc nothing fancy anyway was wanting to know if anyone has ever used dyna gro and got good results also what ppm alshould i start my 6 inch clones its grown new area but no roots have droped into solution using grow stones could that slow down roots