Recent content by Mack Buchanan

  1. Mack Buchanan

    In the ground grow is SW. How often should I water?

    If they are in the ground,the PH does not need to be tested. Second get some shade cloth over those girls that is way too hot!
  2. Mack Buchanan

    TGA Subcool Seeds!

    Go with the jilly bean.......don't do querkle,unless u love trimming it's a bitch!
  3. Mack Buchanan

    doctors in northern nevada

    Look up Simmon Wilcox he did my card on the 8th of July 2010....... He gave me one for at least 50 mature,32 usable ounces on my persons.
  4. Mack Buchanan


    Kill them all.... And let god sort em out..
  5. Mack Buchanan

    Why don't you like Ron Paul?

    Sure thing wetback.
  6. Mack Buchanan

    Another Rmoney bashing thread

    OR neither!
  7. Mack Buchanan

    Why don't you like Ron Paul?

    Yeah hes kiling it in the polls!!! u must vote for dog eaters>>>
  8. Mack Buchanan

    Why don't you like Ron Paul?

    I dont mind him........but he is irrevelant.
  9. Mack Buchanan

    Do you humans taste good ?

    If you are talking about dogs u should ask the messiah.........obama!!
  10. Mack Buchanan

    Should I go with two 4' x 8' or one 10' x 10' grow tent?

    Ask your bitch! Bigger is better!!!
  11. Mack Buchanan

    Which part of Cali. to move to? please help!

    If you move to cali...So Cal is it.......DAGO OR BUST!!!!
  12. Mack Buchanan

    Another Rmoney bashing thread

    Never heard a guy joke about eating a Dog!!!! Fucking Ghetto Celebrity!
  13. Mack Buchanan

    Another Rmoney bashing thread

    yeah lets vote for obama a have dog for dinner... you liberal idiots.....
  14. Mack Buchanan

    Will you vote for Obama?

    Hell no.......fucking ghetto celebrity.......