Recent content by Machiavelli_719

  1. Machiavelli_719

    HELP!! day 34 into FLOWERING buds look really small! PICS!

    Have you grown the strain before? Is it a 10+ week strain?
  2. Machiavelli_719

    5th week flower bc diesel tell me what u think

    Looks Great! Your plant is growing with more sativa characteristics so it could possibly take more than the 8 weeks. From the size they are now and the time it looks like they have left (EST. 3-4 Weeks) maybe more. Good Luck! -Machiavelli
  3. Machiavelli_719

    It sems like my plants dead.

    If you get a clear solo cup poke a few holes in the top and mist inside the cup, mist the seedling, and put the cup over the seedling for like an hour or 2. when you come back it should be moist and easy to pry off the seed shell. -Machiavelli
  4. Machiavelli_719

    1st time grower harvest question.

    I can only see the last picture, but from what i can see you have about a week or so left to go. no real way to tell without looking at the trichomes. hope that helped. good luck!! -Machiavelli
  5. Machiavelli_719

    How do you battle fungus gnats?

    Just go to your grow store and get a product called GrowStone GnatNix and follow the instructions on the bag. It's just little bits of recycled glass, it feels like mini lava rocks. Bugs can't get through to your soil and the ones already in your soil will soon be trapped and die a miserable...
  6. Machiavelli_719

    Opinions on promix coco/perlite mix?

    The promix I buy (promix hp) has perlite in it and it's not chunky it's about the size of peas lol some promix doesn't have it some does do you know which bale you were looking at? Hp, mp, mx ect.?
  7. Machiavelli_719

    Opinions on promix coco/perlite mix?

    Its good stuff IMO it's a soilless medium so you can feed it hydro, coco, or soil nutes. I've had best luck with botanicare coco nutes in a flood and drain. You have to water everyday sometimes twice a day or you can easily get nute lockout (dry coco gets salt buildup easily). But it's virtually...
  8. Machiavelli_719

    Confused about stretch

    Genetics, genetics and more genetics I've had a kush strain that only stretched about 8 inches and a sour diesel that stretched over double the plants size when I put it into flower. Plus different phenos can grow differently it's almost a crap shoot untill you grow it IMO. If your limited in...
  9. Machiavelli_719

    When does Cannabis stop producing thc?

    Yes you're correct I meant resin but I just typed thc because the OP typed thc in the question. And yes hid is always gonna top CFL when it comes to all aspects of growing besides heat. But to each his own. -Machiavelli
  10. Machiavelli_719

    Shroom shelf life?

    I can say I've had some that were 1 year old with no noticeable loss of potency
  11. Machiavelli_719

    When does Cannabis stop producing thc?

    A uvb reptile bulb. BTW the glass that is on an air cooled hid hood blocks most of the UVA UVB rays so unless your going bare bulb your losing out on thc production. I would admit 75 percent of the thc production is genetic related but the remaining 25 percent is growing conditions and quality...
  12. Machiavelli_719

    What is this growing off my bud??

    Be careful man you could get sick.
  13. Machiavelli_719

    How much for a pound near you?

    1600 to 1800 a pound in southern colorado.
  14. Machiavelli_719

    When does Cannabis stop producing thc?

    Thc is nature's sunscreen and it protects the Plant from harmful uvb rays. Simply add more uvb and your plant will naturally produce more resin.
  15. Machiavelli_719

    What is this growing off my bud??

    Mold don't smoke it!!!