Recent content by lucas79

  1. lucas79

    Looking to try a new bloom nute

    I've been using the fox farm trio for my past couple grows and even though it works just fine, I'm wondering if there is something out there better than tiger bloom for flowering. Just kinda want to switch it up a bit on this flip, I know there's a lot of products out there, anyone got one that...
  2. lucas79

    hairs on outdoor buds

    I honestly think that the only reason the one plant had some bud rot was because the particular branch where it showed up was previously injured and repaired...from what I've read about bud rot, that's how it gets into the plant, thru injury...probably couldve just cut that one plant down
  3. lucas79

    hairs on outdoor buds

    I saw the bud rot and freaked...after that I just went ahead and pulled..only lost part of one cola..wasn't gonna risk leaving them out In the rain for the next 5 days coupled with cold temps..recipe for disaster...the hairs were all mostly still white..but they had oranges in them and they were...
  4. lucas79

    hairs on outdoor buds

    Ended up finding a large but that was rotting...
  5. lucas79

    hairs on outdoor buds

  6. lucas79

    hairs on outdoor buds

    I've got 5 straight days of scattered to steady rain in the forecast with Temps with a high/low of 68/49 on the coldest's touched the high 40's a few times in recent nites but has hovered around low to mid 50's most of the time. It's definitely getting colder..and with the kinda...
  7. lucas79

    hairs on outdoor buds

    I bet the low Temps are slowing them down
  8. lucas79

    hairs on outdoor buds

    Yea I was thinking 2nd week of Oct..if the weather cooperates..Temps are dipping into the 40's at nite and we've been getting a lot of I guess it's wait and watch closely
  9. lucas79

    hairs on outdoor buds

    All the pics I have of them are blurry..I'll have to post some in the morning after work when I can take some ones worth looking at... already only 53 degrees out tonite at almost 9 pm..getting worried about the damp/cold combination..don't want to leave them out too long and continue to risk mold
  10. lucas79

    hairs on outdoor buds

    It's almost October here in the Midwest and I'm closely watching my outdoor aurora Indicas and the weather to time my harvest...the thing I've noticed is that the white hairs on the buds don't seem to be turning orange and brown like their indoor sisters...they are all retreating in like they...
  11. lucas79

    Michigan harvest

    Anyone else out there in the mitten waiting for October? I'd love to hear people's thoughts on the weather and our upcoming harvest window...I've got some 5 foot aurora Indicas that I'm dying to chop.
  12. lucas79

    is this spider mites?

    I know I'm trying...won't upload
  13. lucas79

    is this spider mites?

    I noticed some discoloration on the a few of my plants leaves. On the undersides of the leaves are showing little brown spots. I don't have the greatest magnifying tools so it's hard to tell for sure
  14. lucas79

    LST Harmful?

    Just seems odd that a plant would pull a branch so strongly toward the light that it would actually injure itself. I couldnt believe it.
  15. lucas79

    LST Harmful?

    Aurora Indica med: ffof soil lights: 600w mh 20/4 Temps 72-74 deg F rh: 40-50% Plants are about 6 weeks old, from seed Notice that ive main lined them. Just did the final topping yesterday for 8 colas per plant.They look good and except for "tripod" have responded well to training. I havent...