Recent content by LoPro

  1. LoPro

    Brown / Rust spots all over lower fan leaves

    I would like to know what this is as well. Did you ever figure out what it was?
  2. LoPro

    Hermie examples....theory

    Hard to say, just keep an eye on it, over time there will be no doubt if it is male parts. If it is i recommend choppin that tranny down. A buddy tried one time to salvage a hermie by removing all the pollen was a huge pain and the broken ends would start to mold which spread to the...
  3. LoPro

    tricombs 50/50 color change. Hairs still not red. OK to harvest?

    My bad. Thanx for the link FDD.....i checked it out and got some insight, but i'm still a little foggy on how you can just tell its ready. I don't have that much experience and am looking through noobie eyes. Honestly i'm not trying to piss anyone off, just looking for more info on tell tale...
  4. LoPro

    need some hermie experts out there

    I agree. You also could have just isolated that "shoot" and cut it off. i have saved a plant by doing this and the rest remained all fem. I bet the hermie was due to the heat.
  5. LoPro

    Hermie examples....theory

    Ya i bet thats near impossible. I think i've gotten a bag that must have been a hermie.....all seeds and stem :finger:
  6. LoPro

    After curing for 2 weeks bud still smells like mollases

    I'm also going to have to agree with the improper drying time. A buddy of mine had a similar unwanted smell issue that was due to excessive amounts of moisture still in the buds. That Seeple video is great! I think i would have run away from that guy's dancing!
  7. LoPro

    nearing the end? *pics*

    Wow dood! All that from a 400w.....must have been a good bag 8)
  8. LoPro

    tricombs 50/50 color change. Hairs still not red. OK to harvest?

    So are any of you geniuses going to tell us how the buds are supposed to "look" at harvest time? (Basically) Maybe even a couple different people's descriptions would be great.
  9. LoPro

    Hermie examples....theory

    Do you get any bud from hermie plants?
  10. LoPro

    mother fucking helicopter

    Hey maybe someone is growing large scale on your land, or a piece of property close to you. Some investigation may be in order.....that would suck to get popped for some other fool's carelessness!!
  11. LoPro

    Hows the summer over there?

    Hows the summer over there?
  12. LoPro

    automatic white russian 1st grow PICS

    Looks healthy! So this plant flowers after 2 weeks?! thats pretty cool i guess for a small short garden. Is it typical that the plants stay small as well? What if you put it under 24 hours of light? It should grow faster and since it won't veg(i assume) you will still be in the flowering stage.
  13. LoPro

    Accidental Bonsai, why is it so dam small!!!

    Nice man....its probably just a runt, like inferior genetics or something. i had one do this once and it was because i had put the seeds into small baggies with a half cup of soil and when i transplanted it outdoor i forgot to poke holes in the bag. So it had no room for root growth. You should...
  14. LoPro

    Hermie examples....theory

    Hey Guys, found some old hermie pics from a friends outdoor garden a few seasons ago. Figured i would post them as i haven't seen that many examples. Also i had some thoughts about the causes and if they can be reversed? i don't have a whole lot of harvests under my belt but being around weed...
  15. LoPro

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    Interesting read