Recent content by LongWay2GROW

  1. LongWay2GROW

    OG13 Fem (Discussion)

    Discussion page for my grow journal here...
  2. LongWay2GROW

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    Update. I'm into my second week of flower. Strict 12/12 cycle with the timer set for lights on at noon and off at midnight. Slim seems to be stretching a LOT, but Stretch hasn't at all. I went to check on them when they "woke up" yesterday and noticed that Slim grew up and over her top...
  3. LongWay2GROW

    question about hydroponics

    Thanks, NoDrama. BTW I checked out your setup. Sweeeeet, bro, many kudos. So, okay, the bubbles provide enough air to where the plant won't drown. Sounds good. Is there a ratio to figure out in regards to how much bubbles a plant needs? Say for instance, if I want to set up 2 5 gallon...
  4. LongWay2GROW

    question about hydroponics

    I'm grateful for all the input, because I now want to build my own. I like creating things anyway, and after researching a crap ton about DWC I want to jump in. Really badly lol. I have a few more questions now, such as... 1) I always thought that roots subjected to too much moisture would...
  5. LongWay2GROW

    question about hydroponics

    I've been researching a lot about hydro growing, and it's looking like the way I'm going to grow. There's a hydroponics shop up the street selling the WaterFarm, and I was just wanting to know if anyone here has tried it, owns it, or has an educated thought about it...
  6. LongWay2GROW

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    Oops, forgot pics. Here she is... Slim2 12/5/08
  7. LongWay2GROW

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    Just wanted to pop in with an update on the clone. 3 days and no changes. No bending, wilting, turning colors, ANYTHING! I'm taking that as a very positive sign that this thing's going to make it! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Here's to carrying on the tradition lol.
  8. LongWay2GROW

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    Thanks for the support! Well, as you can see per my pictures I never got the vaporizer because I read the same thing about keeping down the humidity as well. They say if the humidity gets TOO low, below 30%, to lightly mist the plants when you water so as to not dry out the leaves. Other...
  9. LongWay2GROW

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    ...and then there were two. Today is a sad day, friends. I found out Shorty is a man, so I kicked him out of his home. He's still with us, you know, just in case I'm wrong, but he's not anywhere near the ladies anymore. I'm about 95% sure, though, that he's a male :( Today is also a happy...
  10. LongWay2GROW

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    They've been in Fox Farm Ocean Forest since Oct. 22nd, second page of this journal :D But thanks for the suggestion and compliment!
  11. LongWay2GROW

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    Lol, thanks. The title was my girlfriend's idea, and said she got it from Half Baked I think :blsmoke:
  12. LongWay2GROW

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    You're correct, they need some cacium, magnesium, and even a touch of manganese if my diagnosis is correct. I bought some Cal-Mag Plus to see if that helps any, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! But thanks for the appreciation and Cal-Mag suggestion. I'm learning something new everyday and...
  13. LongWay2GROW

    Micro Sexing before taking clones

    Absolutely works. I haven't switched to 12/12 yet (my plants are only 15-16" tall and 60 days old), and I have 2 confirmed females, so far, just by closely examining the upper nodes. Upon further researching the matter I found out numerous articles explaining how a lot of strains of MJ will...
  14. LongWay2GROW

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    No, I'm using 7 42 watt CFLs, 3 with reflectors, that are all hanging above the plants. Wait, I just got what you said. No, there's not a single light in my closet other than what I'm using for my grow. No switches, light fixtures, or anything other than a shelf and hanger bar.
  15. LongWay2GROW

    Bagseed Grow #1

    Many kudos to you and your setup...looks great! The plant looks overall healthy, some yellowing but really nothing major if you can correct the N, and it looks like it's getting pretty tall so good job. From one newb to another I have to admit you're a bigger man than I by going with the ebb...