Recent content by llatikcuf

  1. llatikcuf

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    . If you cocksuckers would have cooperated...we would be at herd immunity? I've also been double vaxxed and boosted, friend. Herd immunity only works if people become immune, and neither getting vaxxed or recovering from Covid makes us immune so we will never ever achieve herd immunity no...
  2. llatikcuf

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    Instead of your good ideas like turning firehoses on protesters, soaking them with urine, or killing them by dropping weights on their heads from tall buildings, how about dropping the vaccine mandates and give people the freedom to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. That would end the...
  3. llatikcuf

    Sam Dubose Murdered by Pig.

    Something about this story is off. There was no heated exchange between the cop and Dubos, the cop had no reason to shoot. I think it was an accident. I bet that cop had practiced his quick draw and was pulling the trigger on an empty gun during the practice. As he practiced his quick draw...
  4. llatikcuf

    Bubble Hash 1A- Advanced (fdd2blk)

    I know this thread is ancient but it's rather difficult to find a discussion of making hash with an ice cream maker and I'm posting this for the next guy looking for this info. I thought of using an ice cream maker but it didn't work. Inside an ice cream maker the liquid and the "paddle" are...
  5. llatikcuf

    New Mexico: House Approves Marijuana Decriminalization Legislation

    So you're the one. I wish he had won also but I just couldn't make myself put my one vote in a empty box.
  6. llatikcuf

    mmj, should I or not?

    Thanks for your reply, trader. Yours is the only input I've had on whether or not they come knocking and I'm grateful for it. I'd have to be pretty desperate to pay $400 for an ounce of pot. Okay, I've got a decision to make.
  7. llatikcuf

    mmj, should I or not?

    Right on the guns. I was just mainly wanting cover for my grow. I would like to know if they come to your house and check you out but don't know where to go for that info. I'm not sending in anything until I'm sure this is how I want to go.
  8. llatikcuf

    mmj, should I or not?

    I'm conflicted. I have my doctor's rec and intended to go with mmj but I'm not sure if I should go thru with it. I'm not sure if I want to put my name on a list I've spent a lifetime avoiding being on. With a PPL here in NM does the man come to your house and check if you're in compliance...
  9. llatikcuf

    I'm a happy camper... wanna see a brick? lots of hash

    I went to university in Boise, early '80s. Fantastic place. Tubing down Boise River in summer, tokin' with a cooler of beer in the tube tied to you and good friends. Best times of my life, absolutely.
  10. llatikcuf

    I'm a happy camper... wanna see a brick? lots of hash

    I just found this forum, and this is the first thing I see, a big ol' chunk a hash! I'm so glad to be home!