Recent content by Lite Brite

  1. L

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    Figured what the hell as the most I was expecting to see was the humidity membrane (which could possibly yeild some clues to the manufacturer) was pleasantly surprised to see an actual partial part number. Btw tasmota has a PID controller baked right into their current firmware as of v9.3. Not...
  2. L

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    Thanks, actually it was just luck though. I went down the same rabbit hole as you and emailed AC Infinity as well and got the same BS story but never got a datasheet so I decided to take a magnified look at the hole in the sensor. Lo and behold I could make out most of the model # of the...
  3. L

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    Figured I'd add this here since I outlined my Cloudline tasmota hack here. So what ya gonna do with that orphan temp/humidity sensor that came with your fan controller now that you converted your fan? Well turns out that the sensor is a SHT3x made by Sensirion, it's a I2C interface. The pinout...
  4. L

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    Ok so turns out it's more like 25% before the fan starts but will go down to 20% and still run. On the same topic "DimmerRange" command in console will adjust the min - max of the slider, playing around I have found "DimmerRange 30,255" to be pretty optimum The first notch on the slider gives 3%...
  5. L

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    That's the back side of a sonoff basic r2. Wanted people to see what LED legs I soldered the PC817 to. It's a positive common 2 element LED. The grounds are switched to turn on each color. In the case of the Basic R2 the red LED element is switched only with the relay circuit which is why I...
  6. L

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    @shimbob Nice, tasmota made my configuration sooo soooo much easier to implement. Mycodo is a great piece of software. The maker is super diligent about updates and killing bugs. He implemented VPD option for us within 10 hrs of us mentioning it! Good guy. I ended up going node red because at...
  7. L

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    @craggin Ah two leaves on the same tree.. I too Was using a full room controller based on the Arduino mega and custom code for many many years. As the first PI became available and mycodos popped up I started experimenting with it running side by side and using mycodos to control some functions...
  8. L

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    @wieczorekfloorz That's normal operation for the cloudline fan. 100% pwm is full off and 0% is full on. I'm sure they did that so in the event of a disconnected controller it would run at 100% (which I think is definitely a better idea than off). Kinda surprises that everyone is using big...
  9. L

    Superstoner's new 3 rail, 50gal system, 36-40oz every 2 weeks.

    Wow completenoobie sorry bout the bad luck with eco pumps. I have 8 of them and more than 4 of them are over 5 yrs old and running like the day I bought em. I have had 1 die though and that was due to running dry for almost a week while I was away. As for your question about the intakes...
  10. L

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    BTW AN, nice project you got goin here. Not sure if you know this or not but the Arduino mega, duo, & decimillia will run at 3.3v when you apply 5v power using the barrel connector. If the 5V electronics connected to the arduino play nice at 3.3v there's no need for a level converter circuit...
  11. L

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    Well since no one has given you an answer to your co2 question, try this one: Connecting it is fairly simple using I2C. as well all the hardware and communication specs are very well documented.
  12. L

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    Ya I hear ya lorenzop. I have overheat protection in place already using a couple 1wire ds18d20 temp sensors on the hoods of the lights and have thought about hashing out some extra code to check on a reboot to see if they're cold, if not keep the lights off till they are. Got a million other...
  13. L

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    Ya AN, works pretty good actually, would rather have used momentary buttons but the code was all there already and I really wasn't all that fussy about how my menu system worked, just so long as it worked. Still hacking away at a good pump timer code, have a generic one now that in leu of...
  14. L

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    Nice project you got going here AN! Been tinkering with Arduino for about 10 months now, crash course in c++ (only code i ever did before this project was basic on a C64) I built a nice little standalone room controller using a mega that handles 2 light timers, 2 pump timers, & 2...