Recent content by liquidmetalbat

  1. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    Is it a female, i think it may be gotta wait and see. Look at the center of the pic the growth to the left of the center node, two little hairs it appears, at least i hope
  2. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    Will update very soon, gotta take some pics
  3. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    =Quick update. Lets hurry up!
  4. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    Hopefully more updated pics later tonight
  5. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    I dont know ecactly but i would say its in between 4 or 5 feet tall and the sides are about 14 inches all around
  6. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    Haha i will and check out this locker me and my friend are growin in very soon hopefully, any ideas?
  7. liquidmetalbat

    FUTURE GROW LOCKER? Ideas, comments WELCOME!!!

    Ok so we got this locker at my friends house and we think its perfect to grow in. We were just wonderin wat u all think about it, What lights do u think we should run? We r going to put mylar on the walls and run two exhaust fans and one intake. The lights will be wired with socket adapters and...
  8. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    Sorry wont have better pics till 2morrow but i believe it looks like they have calyx's just like second diagram u posted
  9. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    I got some nice pics but i still cant tell if its a male or female? Im starting to bend it the other way because it was gettin to tall for my pc cuz it broke my screen.
  10. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    I hate playin the waitin game
  11. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    Everything is going good just sittin back and waitin at this point
  12. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    Here they are day 32. I'm hoping it will show its sex sometime this week, lets pray.:leaf:
  13. liquidmetalbat

    My first grow let me know please

    Lookin sweet good job
  14. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    Thanks WolfScott i have pics of today about to post them
  15. liquidmetalbat

    OG KUSH SCROG - Help

    Pics later tonight hopefully..........