Recent content by lifttoker

  1. L

    Bagseed cfl stealth grow

    You know, it might not look like what others in this place are doing but it will taste and feel great. Knowing you did the work to get that and didnt have to call someone, take a trip somewhere, spend loot, or some other bs will make it worth it. Gotta start somewhere. Can only get better from...
  2. L

    seeds in soil question

    think you are stressin out just a lil much. relax. just keep the soil moist and dont mess with it. mother nature will take care of almost everything including figuring out which way is up and down under the soil. when they break the soil keep the lights close but not too close where they...
  3. L

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    from what i understand if you cant find mylar you can use the reflective shades for car windshields and cut it to size. and yea, is trying to reach towards the light thats why its kinds tall an skinny. if you get it closer to the light it wont reach out as much. like someone else said, when...
  4. L

    Adam Lanza's mother

    I suppose this is why conservatives think banning abortion, drugs, prostitution, will work...... Oh the irony.
  5. L

    Fan and ac to dc adapter

    hey all, im using a computer fan to cool things down but the one I currently have wont be able to move enough air in the summer to keep things comfy so i was wondering if i could use this fan with my old 12v ac to dc adapter? appreciate any advice. ive included the links to the stuff i have in...
  6. L

    Electrical Advice Needed

    New fan and adapter are links to said products. sorry its not more clear, im new at this
  7. L

    Electrical Advice Needed

    Hey all, got a bit of a problem with heat and to get temps down I had to buy a larger output fan and im wondering if the new fan i bought will work with my old adapter? Anyone with more knowledge know if these two items will work together or do i need a new adapter also?
  8. L

    Mites, and how to rid yourself of them..

    Yikes, thats what I was worried about. Thanks for the info.
  9. L

    Mites, and how to rid yourself of them..

    Out of curiousity of course, if one had mites and took all of the plants out of the room how long would it take for that room to become mite free? Do they hibernate for a few months and then return when a new plant is introduced or will they die off after a period of time?
  10. L

    Friend with roomate on house arrest

    I appreciate the response but wont a locked bedroom door seem shady in inself? Wouldnt the cop just ask himself, "why does this door need to be locked"? Maybe im just overthinking it.
  11. L

    Friend with roomate on house arrest

    I have a friend (homeowner) who has a roomate that is going on house arrest for his second DWI. The roomate's probation/parole, whatever, officer is coming over to take a look around the house. The person who owns the house, who is not on house arrest, has 1 plant going in his bedroom closet...
  12. L

    will i pass a urine test?

    From everything ive read if you stop smoking for 27 days before and are pretty skinny and exercise it should be out of your system. The 30 day thing is a myth. It depends on how much fat your body has, fluid intake, exercise. Im not a doctor but I wouldnt worry. I quit about the same amount...
  13. L

    will i pass a urine test?

    You should be good. 27 days will be more than enough for you to get it out of your system.
  14. L

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I think they already did.
  15. L

    Praying Mantis Pest Control

    Downside is you can only have one in a area at a time. Eventually Darwin takes over and you will have one big ass mantis left.