Recent content by Legal in AK

  1. Legal in AK

    AK testing facilities? " Can I travel with marijuana? Federal laws make it is illegal to transport marijuana on ships, trains, and airplanes. Keep it legal and in Alaska."...
  2. Legal in AK

    AK testing facilities?

    You can also not fly with it, nor take it on a boat, so you must be able to reach the testing facility by road. Rural communites outside the road system will have no businesses as they won't have population base to support that many businesses.
  3. Legal in AK

    Charlo Greene interview in Ganjapreneur magazine It's so annoying that Charlo is always pushing the racism bullshit, when her grower(who is also her brother) is willing to pistol whip an old Chinese man for $7 in quarters. Idiot is lucky the police didn't shoot him that...
  4. Legal in AK

    AK testing facilities?

    Nope, AK Green Labs also cushions their results so they are very inaccurate. They cushion every test about 40% than it actually is. They will lie through their teeth and tell you their cheap GC machine is "state of the art" and "within 1% accurate". I've asked them about what machine they use...
  5. Legal in AK

    Charlo Greene interview in Ganjapreneur magazine

    26 U.S.C. § 5602 provides that you may face up to five years in federal prison and up to $10,000 in fines for distilling. Don't forget the $2.14 federal tax, as well as the $12.80 in state taxes per half gallon. Growing and selling unregulated marijuana is no different, both hold felony...
  6. Legal in AK

    Charlo Greene interview in Ganjapreneur magazine

    What do you expect? They have asked them to stop, sent them letters telling them to stop. The people of Alaska voted for regulated cannabis, not the wild west. It was only a matter of time until this happened. They had plenty of warning and chose to ignore it. Do you think someone selling...
  7. Legal in AK

    In California, are the Feds prosecuting small time growers?

    This is wrong. There's been a couple guys up in Butte County this year that got nailed and charged federally, one had like 130, and the other was like 140. Anything over 99 will bring the shit storm of the feds on you
  8. Legal in AK

    Cost of 99 plant limit?

    Not sure why you are trying to make assumptions about MY medical history. It's not a scam, it's a very legitimate thing, but go ahead and keep making things up if you want. The case you linked to is very weak and doesn't set any precedent. The patient wasn't trying to use a 99 plant card, they...
  9. Legal in AK

    What are your LB's going for?

    2000 for light depo units all day in NorCal
  10. Legal in AK

    Cost of 99 plant limit?

    First it's a doctor's rec, second you linked to a case which the defendant only had a doctor's recommendation for 8 ounces but was in possession of 12. Had he not cheaped out the issue would have never gone to court. I paid $200 for my 99 plant rec in Sac
  11. Legal in AK

    The is no legal California residency requirment in Prop215

    I'll bet most of those clinics don't have a license to operate either... Prop D limited LA to only 135 shops, while there is still about 1000 operating. So yea it's fair to say the majority of shops in LA have a total disregard for any rules. Just because your favorite clinic will do it does not...
  12. Legal in AK


    It didn't look like anyone owned a pair of scissors either
  13. Legal in AK

    Charlene Egbe/Charlo Greene tells her story

    Nope. Didn't look very packed. I looked at their facebook page and saw a lot of people who were really pumped for the event were very disappointed. Cory is probably lurking the sub right now
  14. Legal in AK

    Charlene Egbe/Charlo Greene tells her story

    She looks like Shrek
  15. Legal in AK

    House passes 24 PLANT LIMIT!

    California can not prosecute an OUI based off a blood test as it does not determine when the cannabis was ingested. Sorry to burst your bubble