Recent content by lean7

  1. lean7

    Yellow leaves. help!

    oh ok, my true leafs look great so i guess my little girls (i hope) are just growin up. thanks for the help.
  2. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    When we want advise from a down syndrome mother fucker like you we will ask for it. Until then, take that 2 cents, save up for some special education and maybe a haircut you emo fuck. what the fuck is wrong with your eye? ya....seriously :-D
  3. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    yea man you're real cool. so how bout some advice?
  4. lean7

    Im back 17 dayz from seed

    nice plants man. what light cycle and set up are you using? we are new at all this and seem to be havin some trouble. at about 8 days and not even close to half that size. appreciate any help. congrats and hope they smoke well
  5. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    ok we ditched the tin foil, for the most part. painted the table and the "wall" that flat white, used spray paint. added a another fan blowin air over the top and have one on the other side suckin air out. and cup of ice for humidity. had a problem with burn on one plant and the bottom round...
  6. lean7

    Yellow leaves. help!

  7. lean7

    Yellow leaves. help!

    I am going to post the pictures in a minute, takes a little work. I noticed that my week old plant, the bottom round shaped leaf (not the big fan leafs) had turned yellow and this continues to about the middle of the leaf and it turns back green. my lights are atleast an inch away. there is a...
  8. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    24 hour reggae jams in grow room - double check
  9. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    Appreciate the help man
  10. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    i'm entertaining your mom so not right now
  11. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    after eating some do-si-dos and smoking a rillo we decided that we were right. we pulled those others up out of their pots and sacrificed them to the bigger and stronger plants. survival of the fittest motha fucka. its like highlander "there can only be one" or in our case maybe three but...
  12. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    man...i dont know... we were on that level where that made sense...ya know? wtf else am i supposed to put on the wall to reflect shit?
  13. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    The dead plants are first attempts that didn't go well. We cut them up and dropped them in the good plants. Can't hurt
  14. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    maybe try again, what is an easy way to raise the humidity
  15. lean7

    New grow 3 PICS

    Hey we are using 8 26w 1750lumen cfl on three 2week old plants on 24hr cycle. we are watering once every 2 days with light light nutes with the water. what kinda fertilizer or plant food should we look for? anything we need to watch? we have the temp constant between 75 and 80F and humidity is...