Recent content by Lavibunz

  1. L

    Is my plant indica or sativa?

    It was already pretty long when I changed the pot and I was scared it would die or something. I also thought the pot is way too big and it doesn't need that much soil :^(
  2. L

    Is my plant indica or sativa?

    Lol. I'm taking care of it as much as I can. It's loam soil and has a ph of 6-7. It's not root bound, I changed the pot few weeks ago
  3. L

    Is my plant indica or sativa?

    I thought it was ruderalis too until I saw it's growing 2 new leaves. I know it's not getting enough light tho, all the growing LEDs in my country are monitorized by the gov unfortunately. :^(
  4. L

    Is my plant indica or sativa?

    I've been taking care of my bby since february. I'm a newbie at this, it's my first time so I would appreciate some advice. Is it looking healthy? Is it looking like a sativa or indica to you? It's been on my balcony all this time since I can't really buy leds, or plant it outdoors for a lot of...