Recent content by laughinghyenaseeds

  1. laughinghyenaseeds

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Thanks for the support you can see a journal here for Black Fire 99 Skunks journal here 99 Skunks, very good strain not as high...
  2. laughinghyenaseeds

    Greeting Autoflower lovers

    I'll shoot him a message. Thank you
  3. laughinghyenaseeds

    Greeting Autoflower lovers

    Hello everyone, Laughing Hyena Seeds here (previously known as Beaver Genetics) We would like to speak to possible testers, however we would like to go through the proper channels first. Could someone direct me on who to speak to. Thank you
  4. laughinghyenaseeds

    Hi Admin, I am a new member and had a question. I'm not able to directly send you a message.

    Hi Admin, I am a new member and had a question. I'm not able to directly send you a message.