Recent content by larrypizzimp93

  1. larrypizzimp93

    First timer

    Ocean forest is pretty hot for seedlings/babies. That’s usually for bigger plants that can handle the high amount of nutes in it. Light warrior is better for babies. And check your water ph. Keep it 6.5-6.8 since you’re in soil
  2. larrypizzimp93

    Week 5 flower, when do the plants start to get potent

    A lot of the smell/taste is going to come from the phenotype. In-house has always had some great pheno's on every strain I've done but some of the pheno's also didn't have a strong smell or taste. Starting from seeds kinda sucks because you have to grow them out first to find the good ones to clone
  3. larrypizzimp93

    Can I put rooting hormone on clones after they've been in cloner for weeks?

    I did clones exactly 2 weeks ago today and normally by now they have baby roots forming but this round there's nothing on any of the 20 I took. I'm using an aero ez-cloner so I could still put rooting hormone on
  4. larrypizzimp93

    Help me! 30-32'C and 70%-80% Humidity for Autoflowers

    Don’t use outside stones, you can bring in bugs.
  5. larrypizzimp93

    Help me! 30-32'C and 70%-80% Humidity for Autoflowers

    5 gallon is pretty big for babies. They would be better if you put in a solo cup till they fill that out then go to 5 gallon. And add perlite for drainage and air circulation. If cant find perlite, you could add little stones/pebbles
  6. larrypizzimp93


    Taste and smell is purely genetics. Then proper growing. But genetics is gonna give you whatever smell and taste you’re looking for.
  7. larrypizzimp93

    What’s the exact watering schedule you use?

    You shouldn’t water everyday with regular soil. Watering everyday would be for coco. When I did soil I watered about every 2 days but they were in 5 gallon buckets. You should be in a bigger pot than 7 liters with soil unless you’re doing small plants
  8. larrypizzimp93

    Alien aero or alien rdwc

    Have you grown already in soil or coco? You will lose a few crops with hydro if not. But aero, yes the sprayers stay on 24/7. And check regularly they don’t clog. Rdwc gonna give you much bigger plants. Aero is more of a hydro sog. They grow nice in either tho
  9. larrypizzimp93


    I would use a bigger oscillating fan instead of clip ons. I used to get bud rot often when I used the small clip ons. But check the other buds for rot and if they’re okay throw a few fans in there to save them
  10. larrypizzimp93

    How does it look?

    They’re hungry they need more food. The dead leaves are the plant using the nutrients in those leaves to feed
  11. larrypizzimp93

    White spots on leaves?

    PM is almost impossible to get rid of once it’s visible and the buds will get it when they mature more. The absolute nastiest stuff to have
  12. larrypizzimp93

    Light %

    If it’s 150 watts just understand the buds are gonna be small and not as dense. Especially if you have a plant with bad genetics. But I would keep it around 12 inches from top and if the top is yellowing, raise light (that’s light bleaching)
  13. larrypizzimp93

    ounce limit (plant)

    An outdoor plant to only have an oz? lol these regulations are really showing the intelligence of the government
  14. larrypizzimp93

    $500.00 For 1 Seed?

    I’m looking on Strainly and some guys are charging $1k-$2k for 1 clone. It’s insane. And I’m charging friends $10 for a clone of some good genetics LOL
  15. larrypizzimp93

    How much to defoliate?

    I would lst the taller tops and open the plant up but even the canopy