Recent content by Lankster187

  1. Lankster187

    Metal Halide Question

    If Anyone buys a lumatek digital ballast, make sure you get a digital ballast friendly bulb!! Its not bullshit it actually matters!
  2. Lankster187

    Please give me advice ordering from Attitude

    I just received mine in the original breeder packs, didnt pay for the garunteed shipping. I must admit i was expecting a letter from customer but i got my seeds! Customs had opened the package and still sent it. ( Im canadian tho :-P )
  3. Lankster187

    Dutch Master Nutes

    Has anyone used Dutch master with soil? I got 6 tester bottles from my hydro shop but all the instructions are for hydro. The pamphlet says i can use it with soil so would i mix my water the same as i would a resevoir. ( just smaller batches )
  4. Lankster187


    " You ever see a Yeti with a dozen condoms of coke burst in his stomach?.....Not pretty man.. not pretty..."
  5. Lankster187

    Orange Tree Indoor

    I went and bought a Meyer Lemon tree today!! It was only $70 and had 5 full size lemons the size of my fist!
  6. Lankster187


    Just think, if you had your very own big foot and he could teach you how to hide as good as him, our outdoor grows would never be found!
  7. Lankster187

    Potting Question

    Thanks guys, I'm not worried about taking up too much space since i only have done one plant at a time. Im still so new i dont want to spend money on a bunch of seeds and potentially fuck them all up in one shot. I have taken the approach that i should do one at a time until i get it nailed...
  8. Lankster187

    Potting Question

    Just curious, why do people start with small pots and work their way up as the plant ages? Why cant I just put my seed into the 5 gallon to start?
  9. Lankster187

    Orange Tree Indoor

    Trippy.. I kinda want to have something growing in my tent that would be a plausible reason for owning said setup... I have had to quickly dismantle my setup because family was coming over, It would be much easier to just pull the plant.
  10. Lankster187


    I think so! Didnt they just find a whole assload of new species of animals in a jungle that had NEVER seen humans before?! Anything is possible!
  11. Lankster187

    Orange Tree Indoor

    Just throwing it out there, if you want you can take, if not, send it right back.... Would taking a seed from inside an orange, germinating it (if possible) and planting inside my tent work? I thought that would be cool to have a bonzai orange tree!
  12. Lankster187

    Burnt leaves...

    I think my plant is fucked because of my inconsistent lighting. this plant is pretty much a write off now... its so far gone i have switched it to flower to see if i can get a gram or so off it.. :) Lumatek contacted me and reccomended that i use a Ushio brand conversion bulb in their...
  13. Lankster187

    Burnt leaves...

    Today did not go well.. I dont know WTF is wrong...
  14. Lankster187

    Burnt leaves...

    Ha ha thanks, He gave me a new one, and it fired when i got it home. Lets just see what tomorrow brings...
  15. Lankster187

    Burnt leaves...

    More bad news... I woke up this morning and the light wasnt working...I'm So so so sooooo frustrated.. my plant is SUPER UBER stressed out and might be a casualty of change. I called the guy and he is gonna switch my ballast out. If this doesnt work I may have to write some hate mail to Lumatek.