Recent content by lanibuds

  1. lanibuds

    Oil making- more then the buds?

    I have my own buds to get high from, vaped. But my wife uses the oil infused with olive oil for sleep and general health care. I can imagine your technique would guarantee strength but maybe for her oil from the trim and buds is enough.
  2. lanibuds

    Are medicinal/rec users allowed to drive vehicles in legalized states?

    In france they use a saliva swab that does not test impairment just presence. Though it would catch me rightfully if I was under the influence it seems as if a regular user will also go down days to weeks since the last usage. But yea, still illegal here so no leg to stand on.
  3. lanibuds

    Oil making- more then the buds?

    How much of the plant should I use? The flowers clearly but the trim seems like a waste to discard.
  4. lanibuds

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    Approaching 63 and a milestone of partaking for 50 years. The few things that lasted this long are all good, dropped the rest.
  5. lanibuds

    Sativas blow

    The idea that photo-period growth is more natural and would yield a better bud makes sense to me. For me the auto-flower is just away to minimize my exposure to the flower oppressive authorities where I live. Thus the speed not the ease is why I grow that way. But as to nature of the buds, I...
  6. lanibuds

    How many grows?

    The shop owner seemed to imply some quality control issues possible. Thanks for the info.
  7. lanibuds

    How many grows?

    Ok thanks. Hard to tell. Spacing like double glass?
  8. lanibuds

    How many grows?

    By pop you just stop? As a newbie, 3rd grow I hope, the big hot bulb and ballast blasting away for three months is spooky.
  9. lanibuds

    How many grows?

    It is not hard to confuse me folks. And can't provide a pic quik so who knows. I called the guy I got it from and he said bring it back, thinks its arching at the bottom of the metal bit. I am going to check for the bulb type, thanks.
  10. lanibuds

    How cold can I go?

    I agree, because when I reach into the jar and grab some buds, where they grew don't matter. I am just in the overthinking stage right now.
  11. lanibuds

    How cold can I go?

    Yes a 6'x3x3 in a small room. If it was legal here I would not do autos. Probably outside.
  12. lanibuds

    How cold can I go?

    I get what you are saying. Maybe a small space heater to start in the tent. By the mid grow temps will be good but I guess a cvold first half will limit production, roots. Maybe continue with more that 2 and see how it goes. Thanks
  13. lanibuds

    How cold can I go?

    I have a couple of small chinese heaters from this winter, you think maybe while there still small? Good idea.
  14. lanibuds

    How cold can I go?

    Moving tent is not possible. I started 2 of each strain to get 2 plants. Last grow had similar seeds and 4 plants which was too much. My top buds went when the mid and lower was still white. Clearly a lighting lack below.
  15. lanibuds

    How many grows?

    My bulb is an CMH315W indoorfactory. With 2 grows behind it I was wondering at the developing brown discoloration, 1/2in 12cm coming up from the bottom. The plan is auto's 3mos 20/4. If a bulb fails, just it just go out, or worse? Does this bulb still sound viable?