Recent content by kyran

  1. kyran

    fire hazard?

    right on man, thanks. now i have one more worry, how do you think those 2 26 watt 65000k cfls and fan are gonna do on my power bill? im currently living in a apartment and not a house.
  2. kyran

    fire hazard?

    haha, yeah i have roommates, but where i have it is more secluded than my closet would be. i just now put a fan down there, and the light wattage is 26watts equilivant to a 100watt regular light. so im using 2 26watt 65000k cfls, one fan, one power strip (surge protector), 2 light sockets and...
  3. kyran

    fire hazard?

    haha nono, i would definitely not do that. my setup consists of a pc grow box, and power strip, duct tape taping the strip to the top, 2 sockets and 2 65000k cfls.
  4. kyran

    fire hazard?

    haha short simple and sweet, thank man. ok another thing im worried about is my power bill. do i have anything to worry about there?
  5. kyran

    fire hazard?

    ok so, i got a stealth pc grow under my bed, its hard to explain exactly how and where it is but its hidden under my bed. right now i have 2 65000k cfl lights on 2 plants. now heres the thing, i have no fan or anything under there and the general area is a little warm and im a little worried...
  6. kyran

    Help Help Help

    the inside of the window sill.
  7. kyran

    Help Help Help

    Hey im new to outdoor growing, ive looked into doing it indoors but i decided i wanted to do it as natural as possible. Thing is im living in an apartment, so thats kind of hard, which brings me to my point of posting and my question: Has anyone ever had experience with growing on the windowsil?
  8. kyran


    Speaking of which i have this old old old computer case in which im not using anymore, how would i go abouts running a cfl through it and what not? If you have any experience in pc grow boxes please give me some advices if not, do you think you could direct me to somewhere that can help?
  9. kyran


    Hey everyone, im in need of some advice. Im looking to grow about 1-3 plants for my own personal consumption, i dont care if i dont get a pound off of each or off of all of them all im looking for is about an ounce or so off of one, but i need a good easy way to do it. Im looking for a way that...
  10. kyran

    help with cfl grow!

    I have one more quick question that hasnt been answered yet. The space ill be growing in is colored black. Ive seen a few grow set ups where the grower would line the walls with foil. What is the point of this and is it necessary?
  11. kyran

    help with cfl grow!

    Alright awesome, thanks for all the help guys!
  12. kyran

    help with cfl grow!

    Awesome, yeah i like the idea of the power surge and just attaching the lights to that. I think that could work like a charm. Also i have a very important question, The area im going to be growing in, is wood. Should i be concerned about a fire and safety? If so how would i be able to fix the...
  13. kyran

    help with cfl grow!

    Awesome thanks for the help guys. So when i get these do they come with the cords im gonna need to set everything up? Also it would be really helpful if someone could post up a picture of their lighting setup so i could get a better idea of how im gonna work this. Another big thing is foil. Is...
  14. kyran

    help with cfl grow!

    Amazing turnout! Yeah the most trouble i think im gonna have is lighting. I dont know how to set up my lighting or where to find or even what they are called but the sockets for the bulbs and how to wire them up. Im looking to only grow like 1 plant for my own personal use. How many CFLs do you...
  15. kyran

    help with cfl grow!

    Alright cool, thanks mygirls.