Recent content by kwwinther58

  1. K

    A bit of guidance please..

    A good way to infuse cannabis into drinks would either be by extracting it into very high proof alcohol (although that has an obvious downside) or you could extract it into Vegetable Glycerin like when making e juice, VG as far as I know is safe for oral consumption and you could make a cannabis...
  2. K

    A bit of guidance please..

    I would definitely recommend a predominantly indica strain for your purpose, as for dosage it is quite difficult to judge a precise milligram scale dosage of THC or CBD from raw plant matter. All I can say about that is to start out small and if you don't like to smoke your safest bet would...
  3. K

    E Cigarette Atomizer Problems

    I use an Eleaf E cig with Aspire atomizers, I use it to vaporize my own homemade cannabis extract in PG/VG. I also have the same e cig again which I use for normal e liquid. I notice that the atomizers on my cannabis e cig get flooded or gurgly or burnt out much quicker than the normal liquid...
  4. K


    hi all could someone please put me out of my missery i cant find out for how long i should give my plants co2 some say then they are young other say when they are flowering so help would be much apriciated thanks