Recent content by kushforbrains

  1. K

    Tips for the switch

    I have heard that 36 hours of darkness will trigger the flowering stage but that was when i first started growing so Idk if its true. I have done it with a plant that was vegging for 60 days and it worked but I have no idea how ur girls will reaction at such a young age. Best of luck to you and...
  2. K

    advanced watering? what do you do to your water?

    Tons of good info here thanks
  3. K

    advanced watering? what do you do to your water?

    I'm curious if anyone has any tips or tricks that have to do with watering your babies. I water when the plants need it. I put an airstone in the water for 24 hrs b4 the up coming watering. I water with nutes every other watering and I use general organic nutes. I use the airstone in the water...
  4. K

    fresh air intake

    I'm looking for a good spot to put my exhaust fan I have a sealed 400 w in a 2 by 2 foot tent that is in my closet, problem is where to put my intake to get the fresh air thur the light. I can go straight up to the attic to take air from or release hot air to but Idk if that's a good idea. Any...
  5. K

    tent set up i

    I have the 2 by 2 foot tent and need some help with set up. I have a chhc 4 environmental controller but my problem is cooling the tent I have a 400w light and gets pretty hot in the tent I need a way to vent my tent without wasting co2. I am thinking that if I hook my fan up to my chhc 4 the...
  6. K

    question about chicagos pot laws

    I am 20, the reason I ask is because they didn't tell me exactly y they were arrested me (i assume it was the weed lol)nor did they read me my rights. I'm just thinking about if I want to get a lawyer because if its the ticket, witch its supposed to be) its only 200 to 500 dollars witch is less...
  7. K

    question about chicagos pot laws

    I was arrested for an eighter in Chicago and I have a question I hope someone can answer for me. why was I arrested if weed is decriminalized in chicago?I was not in a school zone or smoking. I had the weed in my pocket and undercover cops rolled up on my buddy and I as I started my car.
  8. K

    Half Ounce

    Fuck regs get some loud and it will sell its self Fuck all the people hating on u bro just be smart with Wat u do and maybe selling isn't the right way to go about ur problems I'm sure there r some other ways and if u r gunna sell try and get something no1 else can get
  9. K

    cooling 3.5' by 10.5' area

    Ur the best lol link and everything thank u
  10. K

    cooling 3.5' by 10.5' area

    im going to have a 3.5' by 10.5' flowering room i currently have 3 600watt lights, co2 tank, co2 regulator, and a chhc 4 sentinel i dont have hoods yet because i would like to go bare bulb if i had proper cooling but i cant hook a an a/c unit to the chhc 4 how would i cool if no hoods and how...
  11. K

    HELP All seedlings die every time! INDOOR grow

    Sorry but ph is to high I didn't u that u said soil Mybad about that but it shouldn't be over 6:5 for any reason
  12. K

    HELP All seedlings die every time! INDOOR grow

    I didn't look at the pics but from Wat u said ur ph is that is to high try 5.5
  13. K

    enviornmental control

    Looking for recommendations for a unit to control temp humidity and co2 with day and night setting and ppm metter for the co2 and if anyone knows if the cap air 4 has a ppm reader built it Plus rep for any help thanks in advance also
  14. K

    600 vs 1000 watt light

    im post a new thread in design and set up because i feel like thats where this is headed lol but thats why i love this site :)
  15. K

    600 vs 1000 watt light

    nvm i did some math with the 50 watt pre square foot and 3000 lumens pre square foot