Recent content by kone9604

  1. K

    What kind of nutes,seeds (reg/fem),what size pot? you use for our grow kush,etc? i seen a couple...

    What kind of nutes,seeds (reg/fem),what size pot? you use for our grow kush,etc? i seen a couple of strains you had grown and they all had big buds on them!
  2. K

    What is burping

    This is a male right?
  3. K

    What is burping

    This is a male right?/Users/K/Pictures/101_0583.JPG
  4. K

    This is a male right?/Users/K/Pictures/101_0583.JPG

    This is a male right?/Users/K/Pictures/101_0583.JPG
  5. K

    /Users/K/Pictures/101_0583.JPG what do ya'll think? male? lol

    /Users/K/Pictures/101_0583.JPG what do ya'll think? male? lol
  6. K

    need some help they look sick

    my plants are fine but i been through the sick thing before but fixed it with no problem im using bubbleponic system but also using dirt as well at my other house so i know a little something not saying im a pro but doesn't take alot to grow just plant, feed, and get it light just the over feed...
  7. K

    need some help they look sick

    with the right ph level water use distilled water and still check the ph level it should be around 7 and u can put very little very little ph down to get it to 6.5 and water it keep doing it when its time to water and you will be flushing every time you do that
  8. K

    need some help they look sick

    That right u need a Ph tester that is most important even if you let the water sit out a few days doesn't matter your ppm may drop a little but if your PH is too high it will stay that way til you change it and your soil should but good for a few weeks 4 the most if not 2 so u really didnt have...
  9. K

    Greenhouse Bubba kush and Barney's farm Violater kush

    Just grow nothing to it,didnt have a problem growing anything but that kush yeah good buy,have a few kush strains, you have to smoke it for ur self i can tell u this or that but thats nothing until u smoke it lol
  10. K

    Bonsai? Nute Lock? My Plants are Midgets?

    i need nute help can anybody help me