Recent content by kingmat8787

  1. kingmat8787

    New proposed tax on MEDICAL CANNABIS... want to pay 25% surtax anyone?

    yea theres also talks of the whole medical industry being put under WSLCB control with the I-502 implementation... but in reality didnt everyone see this coming, no way in hell the state is gonna go into the weed game and let this organized widely unregulated medical industry run competition...
  2. kingmat8787

    general light ,and cost per watt,hour,day,month

    150 watts aint costing you more than 2 100 watt would have to look at you electric bill to know for sure what your paying per kilowatt hour...but 150 watts you wouldent even notice on your electric bill... your math looks correct but that price perKwH is an average they put...
  3. kingmat8787

    12/12 from seed vs plant maturity

    3 weeks of veg, 8 weeks of flower...why not just do it the way its been done....if you planning on do all that training why not just give it the 3 weeks of veg to show sex, if your worried about stretch get over it, the plants are gonna stretch reguardless, its all about using that stretch to...
  4. kingmat8787

    12/12 from seed vs plant maturity

    3 weeks of veg, 8 weeks of flower...why not just do it the way its been done....if you planning on do all that training why not just give it the 3 weeks of veg to show sex, if your worried about stretch get over it, the plants are gonna stretch reguardless, its all about using that stretch to...
  5. kingmat8787

    can someone please tell me what is

    get the biggest best fan you can get...if you go cheap you end up down a fan in the middle of the day and could fry your get what you pay for so at least pay for peace of mind....peace
  6. kingmat8787

    Yard Sale hydroponics. Goal or a miss?

    put 1 auto in her and train the piss out of the bitch and you could get a decent personal stash from that....even hack off the light and just use the aero base, and HID lighting and you could do 1 full size in there....and the manual should be online at the aerogarden website...peace
  7. kingmat8787

    using bleach to help with root rot??

    yep H202 All the way, its fairly cheap and the plant grade 30% will burn your finger ( learned that the hard way), However its highly effective in small amounts. I started getting slime in my bubble cloner and res, and 1 water change with some h202 and my res stays crystal clear and no slime on...
  8. kingmat8787

    Help a newbie out? (grow light question)

    Fox Farms happy Frog SOIL CONDITIONER( not the potting soil), 2 bags of plain topsoil or plain pottingsoil, whatever organics you feel like throwing in ( Bat Guano, bone meal, kelp meal) and a bag of chunky pearlite make a great 50-55 gal of far as lights, Im a 1000 watt kind of grower...
  9. kingmat8787

    Few Questions About Cloning.

    you could go straight into you 3 gal grow bags from clone....transplanting isnt less step to stress the plant...that being said i clone in a bubble cloner, no medium just bubbly water with h202, fro there i go to a solo cup or small 1 qt grobag, and then to a 3 gal gro bag to...
  10. kingmat8787

    Veg times when grown from seed??

    seedlings should be mature before you flower them. Clones Generally are mature when cloned meaning they can go straight from clone to flower. With seedlings you want to wait for one of 2 signs. PreFlowers are a good way to know if your plant is mature and the other is the node development...
  11. kingmat8787

    First grow set up! need electrical help!!!

    gotta figure out how many amps your pulling with all them bad boys, i think my 1000w switchable magnetic ballest pulls 9 or 10 amps. check your breaker box to see how many amps you have running to that bedroom. then go from there you may have to run some new wiring, and a new breaker to get the...
  12. kingmat8787

    Grow auto with regular?

    i grew autos with my others no problem, the autos i have are LA Diva and Critical JACK , both average 60 days seed to harvest. i vegged for 6 weeks under 24/7 lighting withh all of em and swithced to 12/12 with no ill effect on my autos cause they were allredy half way through flower by the...
  13. kingmat8787

    Just curious bout the growing.

    No one wants to argue with you about your 31 plant set up that we have never seen, nor do we want to repute what "your Friend" did whom we've never met. all we can do is tell you from expierence that math while your looking at plants is not science, are you an expierenced grower than estimate...