Recent content by Justfor420

  1. Justfor420

    Stealth Grow - What does yours look like?

    It's not complete yet, so some light shines through, it's a work in progress. I plan on using weather stripping tape and black/white poly to line the inside. I have a couple of computer fans, but I think I need to upgrade.
  2. Justfor420

    Stealth Grow - What does yours look like?

    I just wanted to show off my stealth grow dresser, if any of you want to show your set up, feel free :joint::peace:
  3. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    Update ( 17 days after original post ) Side note : The seeds I received from Attitude Seed Bank were labeled wrong and 2 were duds!!!! Not sure of strain, but here are my babies none the less...........
  4. Justfor420

    Thanx for the great advice, both of my babies have already started to bounce back, I owe you...

    Thanx for the great advice, both of my babies have already started to bounce back, I owe you one!!!!! :joint::peace:
  5. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    what about the co2?
  6. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    Transplanted both to pots, so i should be ok.........:joint::peace:
  7. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    Yea it's a DIY co2 ( is it 2 soon 2 use co2? ) , I have been watering with a solo cup, but I know to cut back thanx to you.
  8. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    I just watered with superthrive, Ill wait a few days till I water again....
  9. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    Here are my newly transplanted TH Seeds Rambo/Lambo plants
  10. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    Yea you guys are right, I am inexperienced and shouldn't be so defensive, I just found a couple of pots with drainage holes, I'm gonna transplant now. I will have pictures when done.
  11. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    No I didnt transplant, this is just a picture of a healthy bucket grow with no drain holes.
  12. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    also, cant I use a flushing solution?
  13. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    I've read on a couple other sites, its possible if you dont over water
  14. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    Here it is.........looks healthy
  15. Justfor420

    First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo

    I guess I have more than one problem then, I've seen people growing out of 5 gallon buckets with no runoff holes...???