My friend bit off more than she could chew and gifted me these bag seed plants. It was a fun way to return to this hobby. Here’s the early girls. I’m pretty close to the capital region too. Tune into 102.7 tonight @ 11 for a heady treat.
Fuck robinhood. They are owned by some of the worst financial gangsters in the industry. They stopped their clients from buying securities in January. Fidelity is good.
It’ll all go eventually. I’m holding for a year because I don’t wanna lose half to taxes. Everybody’s style is different though.
Edit: at least a year.
Lol even if the SEC was like a real enforcement agency that enforced things, they still don’t regulate crypto! They overstepped with XRP and they know it. Crypto is so new they don’t have many laws on the books to enforce. Imagine if they did though, it would be pretty hard to regulate a...
I always read the high ceilings as people not wanting to reveal their actual exit strategy. So they are not accused of pump and dumps or let people know their price so they sell right below them. Full disclosure I hold GME and AMC. Also WSB warned people about this scam on a pinned post at the...