Recent content by JohnnySocko

  1. JohnnySocko

    Why is 80 degrees to hot if its 90 out side?

    lots of internet perpetuated bullshit from teenagers who have not grow a single plant other than cannabis... ^^^ agreed: as mentioned: fresh air, water and access to CO2, blah blah....and yeah "optimal/ideal" are just params inside of a tolerance and 90F ain't gonna kill anything native south...
  2. JohnnySocko

    Sour OG first time grow how long until harvest?

    1st time grower? I'm a yellow leaf, stretchy stems, or over fert burned foliage... Really tho; nice work bro! :cool: That popcorn is just buds too far from light (among other things) ...if someone was to be critical; might try a Scrog to flatten the foliage out a lil better oh...
  3. JohnnySocko

    Lumatek 600w question/problem

    just get that Ushio Red for 50-60 bucks... given the value of the crop; why even dick around with bulbs and shit?
  4. JohnnySocko

    You just cant make this shit up!! No wonder there is crickets from the left... LOL!!

    please gently correct me if I'm wrong, but the left is claiming this "independent" group of Attorney/investigators were hired by the Christie if so, the outcome was to be expected
  5. JohnnySocko

    Michelle Malkin visits Pot Shop!

    The real scary part is I'd almost vote for these Nazi's if they'ed let me smoke my weed in peace kiss-ass
  6. JohnnySocko

    Were we better off before universal suffrage?

    Sounds sorta like "Starship Troopers"...whats next, the eerily similar Nazi looking uniforms? Naw, all BS aside; this is not totally a unreasonable concept (on the surface) that voting should be earned (or constrained under some reasonable criteria), only thing is if you think about it, a...
  7. JohnnySocko

    should I add anything else too my nutes?

    I'm hardly on the level with some of the poster here but I'm 100% sure you can get away with just that and "maybe" some epson salts....of course a lot depends on your tap water params... hell we jacked 5 zips off of one plant on just Maxibloom I've tried a few snake oils and additives, not...
  8. JohnnySocko

    Hydrofarm LT4SYS Light Track System 4'

    I'm wondering if that's the model with the crappy reviews on Amazon.... (I'm almost 100% sure it had more reviews than this...I'll keep checkin I'm thinking about one
  9. JohnnySocko

    Clones not rooting

    I've had nearly 100% strikes pre-dipping in a mild bleach and using cheapo rooting hormone & vermiculite (the fine grade) ..I use a dome and those 6pack vegetable tray takes 7-10 days max...I use a VERY mild nute as soon as I see roots popping out the bottom... Again, while rot...
  10. JohnnySocko

    Anyone using Lumatek ballasts needs to read this

    glad my stuff is on its own circuit/own breaker
  11. JohnnySocko

    Remove leaves for light penitration ?

    ^Exactly...couldn't have said it better
  12. JohnnySocko

    Rand Paul enchants progressives in their own back yard!

    they just might elect this fool just so we can smoke weed legally and in peace...if that means the end of the USA as we know it, so be it...we'll all be too high to care
  13. JohnnySocko

    USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

    just sayin I've never seen anyone's opinion actually change on this topic... I doubt I will, I'm only pro choice because the alternative of government controlling our biological choices is more distasteful that the thought of a aborted fetus (which IMO is a horrific visual) Still totally...