Recent content by JoeyBanz

  1. J

    Info on doing a GH Waterfarm 8 site with a separately bought water pump

    But I'd guess that I would have to buy this kit they sell that makes its recirculating but it appears to only have a mother air pump and I figure if I can get the water moving faster it could also oxygenate the water more as well as keeping the pH leveled better
  2. J

    Info on doing a GH Waterfarm 8 site with a separately bought water pump

    Rkymtnman I am pretty sure it is it has the 13 gallon reservoir that fills the control tank with the float valve level release the water into the buckets when the level drops
  3. J

    Info on doing a GH Waterfarm 8 site with a separately bought water pump

    Rkymtnman I understand that I am asking about buying a separate water pump to make the system recirculating.the pros and cons and if any one has tried doing that rather then the gravity type feed system that the WF
  4. J

    Info on doing a GH Waterfarm 8 site with a separately bought water pump

    Hello dose any one every tried it have any info on running a GH waterfarm with a separately bought water pump. If so what size (GPH) should I use and what should the timing be, to recirculate. As well this will be my first time use a drip system and should the drip run 24/7. And any other info...