Recent content by Joesph213

  1. J

    scrog question?

    Kool! Thnxbro! THEY DO NOT LIKE LAVENDER!!!!!
  2. J

    scrog question?

    So what kind of soap are you using my guy? And do you rinse? Or just put them to sleep? Thx
  3. J

    Crispy buds?

    First grow.Dried my cuts for a couple days. Trimmed and jarred.Nice yield. But the buds feel crispy?For future reference why? Will they dense up while curing?
  4. J

    Re-veg? Bad light?

    Wait my first clone was put outside now at about 6 foot! Lol
  5. J

    Re-veg? Bad light?

    Awwwww..... such a sweetheart! no shit! First time cloning with this strain! It may have been a lil late (almost flower) then placed under a weak worn out led maybe? Just slow bounce back. Have you seen this happen is all you need to comment on good sir!
  6. J

    Re-veg? Bad light?

    Should I call it quits? 1 gal transplant 1 month ago!
  7. J

    Am I ready?

  8. J

    Am I ready?

    My big question is I have been losing leaves starting at the bottom working it’s way up. Is this just using up food storage or not enough food. Or just feel it out?
  9. J

    Am I ready?

  10. J

    Am I ready?

    Took some clones... I-think it may have been to late..b/c they have been re-veg for weeks! Think my led bulbs have ran out?
  11. J

    Am I ready?

    Noice! That was a runt branch from the middle that I clipped to check.( still experimenting) hit the popcorn... instant head change!!
  12. J

    Am I ready?

    Harvest time? First grow with 1000watt led! Open to suggestions kinda just winging it! Lol