Recent content by Joe_doe

  1. Joe_doe

    Does THC oxidize/degrades to CBN after harvest?

    hmmmm......deep vacuum....would a good ol food vacuum packing machine work or would you need something more?
  2. Joe_doe

    Growing for terpenes?

    ive also heard of dumping seaweed into your wormery (accounting for ph) or letting it steep into compost tea or if you have the dried a crushed variety, it can be sprinkled into your soil. Even dried seagull guano will contain that sea goodness
  3. Joe_doe

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hi, here to introduce myself. Outdoor grower passionate about growing all plants - interested in medicinal applications, plant genetics, no till and chemical extraction - stumbled upon the forum in my research into extracts and salves. Will hopefully be posting soon - am currently prepping for...