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  • How ya doing my friend?
    Just thought I'd check you out and see what's up
    These are shit time's for everyone, especially alcoholics who must think, fuck it, I'm gonna die anyway so I might as well die drunk.
    I live in Connecticut where they have shut down all non-essential businesses, and seemingly alcohol is essential now because all liquor stores have lines waiting which I can understand.
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    Reactions: Jman108227
    Anyway, stay strong, listen to music & exercise your balls off.
    Become the fittest you've every become & after the day is done sit down with your woman & watch a show & burn one.
    If you need to talk to someone about anything, feel free to contact me (My 1st message was too long so I had to adapt, that's why I replied like this)
    I'm doing great considering what's going on. Get to spend quality time with my babies and get paid to do it! I'm so blessed to work for awesome business owners. I know people are really struggling and I just have so much to be thankful for. Thank you very much! I certainly will. Definitely fought off some heavy urges to get hammered these past few weeks haha. Hope all is well. Staying busy and active for sure.
    I bet you never thought before how lucky you were to work in a Market :)
    Ain't it strange how life works out :)
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