Recent content by jjmasami

  1. J

    Is it the best time to havest? It's cherry bomb

    This is the promotion picture. And my baby is as shown below. Is the flower reach the biggest size? It's the 8 weeks since flowering period.
  2. J

    It is male or female? I find both V shape pistil and pollen from it.

    This pic was taken from the same plant. See the V pistil on the right side? Male? Female?
  3. J

    It is male or female? I find both V shape pistil and pollen from it.

    MALE? FEMALE? Does female also produce pollen? When I shake the plant, very tiny substance fell off. Help....
  4. J

    Is it is time to harvest? (with pic)

    Today when I come back, I find lot of pullen on my plant as shown in the pic. (Yesterday I can't found pullen ) It's day 89 counting from germination, and day 30 counting from flowering period. It spread all over around and stick on the leaves obviously. Should I cut it down now and store the...
  5. J

    Is it is time to harvest? (with pic)

    I don't know. I get the regular seed and just plant it. Is regular seed grow 100% male, femilized seed grow 50%female, 50%male?
  6. J

    Is it is time to harvest? (with pic)

    I see white spot on leave. But the amount of flower fewly grown. It's biker kush v2 under flowering period day 33 only. Height 80cm.
  7. J

    Is Critical Kush plant worth keeping?

    I have one barneys farm critical kush too. She grow very fast in 20-35 day counting from germination.
  8. J

    I keep 12/12,even 10/14, still no sign of flower after 1 week. See...

    Should I keep 8/16? Keeping 8/16 will harm my plant? I use CFL light.
  9. J

    Sativa, sativa hybrid, grow shape like compact indica, any suggestion?

    I'm finding a plant which is sativa or sativa hybrid, spread diameter small, height short to medium just like indica. Not concern the vegetation speed, flowering day, taste, brand. Thanks.
  10. J

    2 spouts, 1 seed. Twins its lookin like...

    Does it come from Fukushima of Japan?
  11. J

    First Ever Grow. Cotton Candy/THC Bomb 600w

    I have one freebie cotton candy, it spread widely.
  12. J

    Is there any hope for this little girl?

    This is the youngest bud I ever seen. :D Turn your light cycle to 18-20 hours. The plant will return in vegetation cycle and grow up higher. You can save it.
  13. J

    roots are showing

    You should put them in wet tissue, toilet paper etc, place it in dark place for few days (Temp 5-30C OK) before embedding them in a pot. I always wait the root grow nearly 15-20mm before embedding them in pot. I'm newbie but the above method works well.
  14. J

    When should I change light into 12-12 ?

    This article may help you.