Recent content by jblumpkin

  1. jblumpkin

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    Not 100% sure of the answer to that, but there is some evidence that Tricoderma can interfere with Mycorrhizal fungi colonization, at least during it's early stages ResearchGate has a lot of talk about this-...
  2. jblumpkin

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    There's pure AMF inoculants for sale you can find online like BioAg VAM, Mykos, Mycorrhizal Applications, ect. However research has shown mixed results on how effective these commercial inoculants are. The most infectious part of mycorrhizal fungi, the mycelium hyphae, doesn't survive long...
  3. jblumpkin

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    Now if you're after mycorrhizal fungi what you're looking for is AMF (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi).AMF is a type of endomycorrhizal fungi (penetrates plant cells) that pairs with 80% of land plants including cannabis. There's a few strains of AMF you propably know already ie. Glomus...
  4. jblumpkin

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    Any fungus found not directly growing on roots is highly likely to be a saprophytic, non-mycorrhyzal organism. Not that that's a bad thing, saprophytic fungi are the main decomposers of organic matter and are important in nutrient cycling although it's not mycorrhizal fungi.
  5. jblumpkin

    Positive vibes.

    Positive vibes.
  6. jblumpkin

    Varieties Grown Wet Tropical Enviornments

    Tried to change the name of the post to Growing in wet tropical enviornments, but I don't think it actually changed the thread name. Any help on this? Its a more fitting name. Aloha
  7. jblumpkin

    Varieties Grown Wet Tropical Enviornments

    Aloha Everyone! Anyone here grow in wet tropical/subtropical enviornments? Please post your expertise, for it is a challange. Ill start first. The problems I see most are... MOLD!!! Ughh I'm sick just thinking of it, most indica dominant varieties get trashed in the tropics, but people...
  8. jblumpkin

    Lawn Light LEDs and Hawaiian Photoperiod

    Forgot to mention the" reason" they work. He call it twighlight where apperantly the plant can flowe and grow (develop new budsites) at the same time. Idk if I believe that.
  9. jblumpkin

    Lawn Light LEDs and Hawaiian Photoperiod

    Aloha! Just got into an argument with my friend billy. He's put those little lawn/patio walkway led lights over his plants in an elaborate set up with like 15 of those fuckers hanging over his plants 5 to 10 inches above. Now its November here in hawaii, around 11 hours of light per day I think...