Recent content by Jamie_Ktown

  1. Jamie_Ktown

    Resource Hack Tutorial

    Digg - Resource Hacking Tutorial I found this on Digg, its pretty cool! My notepad is now called "Untitled - Highpad" with all the menu items linking to different strands of pot :) File is now AK47 :joint:
  2. Jamie_Ktown

    This Male or Female? Its got furry ballz!

    Alright, this is my first time.. is there any way to know weather or not my female was impregniated? Is there some point in which my female will start spitting out lil seeds? Or will it begin to look like bud, just full of seeds. Thanks
  3. Jamie_Ktown

    This Male or Female? Its got furry ballz!

    Shit :'( the pollin got Alll over the female... Makes me want to cry
  4. Jamie_Ktown

    This Male or Female? Its got furry ballz!

    Hey guys, just wondering weather or not this is a male or a female plant. I've had it in 12 hours of sun for 2 weeks now. I touched it today and a lot of pollen came off of it. So I decided to put it outside. When it hit my hand, the pollen was yellow, so I'm assuming it was pollen and not...
  5. Jamie_Ktown

    how much bud?

    How much bud, would a woodchuck smoke if a woodchuck could smoke bud?
  6. Jamie_Ktown

    Things not to do while high

    Don't change passwords on stuff because you think it may be a good idea... Ive had to re-sign up to websites because of that... (Also use ophcrack to crack my windows password haha:))
  7. Jamie_Ktown

    Things not to do while high

    Do not hide your bag of weed in a place you've never hid it before -I want my 20 minutes back :( Add to the list :)
  8. Jamie_Ktown


    I tried looking for one, but I didn't know a brand name off hand that I could ask anyone (because ALL of the people in the garden section didn't even know what a rooting hormone was) I find both work pretty well
  9. Jamie_Ktown


    Home Depot, don't goto Canadian Tire lol Buy Stim-Root No. 1 It would be in the plant section, red lid. Good luck!
  10. Jamie_Ktown


    I was doing the same thing when my timer broke on a national holiday (everything was closed). Timers are a lifesaver, Home Depot, Home Hardware, 5-10 bucks depending on the features. And yes, just always keep your regular schedule if they end up getting more or less light than intended.
  11. Jamie_Ktown

    Fuck Work

    I've been that pissed before, but I smoke as SOON as I'm calm :) And about blockbuster... I worked for them, and they train their staff to subtly screw people over... Like working for the devil
  12. Jamie_Ktown

    Home Made Aeroponics Question

    Annoying? I said I apologized for double posting, but I figured the Experts of this forum wouldn't visit the newbie second often enough for me to get a response in the time frame that I need it. And as far as annoying people, I'm sure posting my "Help question" on a project that I've been...
  13. Jamie_Ktown

    Home Made Aeroponics Question

    I've made a small tank into an aeroponics chamber in which the roots will grow inside no medium but clouds. I have a mini diffuser or mini nebler, see picture below. I put that in a refilling plastic container that maintains a constant water level. Now basically the plants will be suspended by...
  14. Jamie_Ktown

    New Anti-Drug Commercial

    I can imagine the board meeting for this... "Ok we need to go to the level of pot smokers, so lets have a 5 year old draw an alien, boy girl, dog and some scenery, and then we will add in our don't smoke pot campaign somewhere... but yea, make sure the artist is 5, because thats all pot smokers...