Recent content by jamesmartin

  1. jamesmartin

    Lol ignore part of my last privatemessage asking which part of the city you're in . Had a stoner...

    Lol ignore part of my last privatemessage asking which part of the city you're in . Had a stoner moment and didn't recognise it was you who messaged me with your DP changed and all that =P Anyways dude have a good new years and I'll see you in 2012 hopefully bro .
  2. jamesmartin

    how does obama

    yeah corparations and lobbyists and what not pressurise him to do so . Americas government is for profit and not the people .. Anyone seen how the american government is awarding a patent for THC to a pharmaceutical company ? Ridiculous .
  3. jamesmartin

    Marijuana Cheaper And Easier To Get Than Ever Before CTV News (Canadian news channel)
  4. jamesmartin

    Sweden Legalizes and Regulates Cannabis

    Yeah lol ^ no Scandinavian country would ever do this unfortunatley However , in switzerland there have been some changes recently to their marijuana laws . Some pretty awesome changes actually .
  5. jamesmartin

    I'm about 2 take a shit

    You lucky man! XP However it is true most of my posts on here are while taking a dump haha . But usually in the morning when i havent baked yet .
  6. jamesmartin

    What skunk strain???

    Skunk #1 i also got some skunk#2 the other day . No idea how that was made :/
  7. jamesmartin

    Main Stream media pulling out all stops to make sure Ron Paul Doesn't win

    If you research what ron said this is the only way to actually prevent future recessions from happening . What we are doing now is only a temporary fix
  8. jamesmartin

    Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

    regulation isnt what drives businesses out of your country (i dont know what does , but i know its probably not that) . Just look at your brother to the north ;D Our economy isnt nearly as bad as yours even though we are more left winged and pro regulation. But yes i would vote for ron if i...
  9. jamesmartin

    I'm about 2 take a shit

    i dont even know how you manage to shit while your stoned OP.. Its weird ... I sometimes really need a shit before blazing . . I blaze . Then after im high i dont need a shit anymore . Anyone else get this lol ?
  10. jamesmartin

    ah nicee ! Well im on holiday as we speak . But when i get back at the beginning of next year we...

    ah nicee ! Well im on holiday as we speak . But when i get back at the beginning of next year we should haze up a j or something haha . I only recently moved here so not many stoner friends as of yet aha :(
  11. jamesmartin

    Trailer Park Boys

    lol gotta love tpb .. not from Canada , but when i moved here i was wowed by the discovery i made when i found this on TV
  12. jamesmartin

    Religion a form of Control?

    i thought christianity promoted goodness and what not ... im not religious but thought that .. I guess it distracts people from what really goes on . If america really trusted in God they wouldnt be doing half the things they are doing haha . "in GOD we trust"... pffft give me a break . lol
  13. jamesmartin

    Where next for the Us Military ??

    Probably eh . Damn americans lol . . And yeah that was in Iran or something haha. America denied it was theres too i think .
  14. jamesmartin

    Do You Support or Oppose Capital Punishment?

    Lol theres some people who serve whats basically a life sentence then finally get put to death after years of waiting ....
  15. jamesmartin

    Sweeden Legalized and Regulates Cannabis

    Yess . when one door closes (Amsterdam) another opens ! Scandinavian countries always seem to get it just right . Their whole political system . I feel it puts the people first . Unlike the US and some other countries .