Recent content by jahglaza

  1. J

    i like your stuff. hit me up if you wanna converse 0on things im new to this too. it being my...

    i like your stuff. hit me up if you wanna converse 0on things im new to this too. it being my first garden and all.
  2. J

    water leaves

    lmao towards time i laughed my ass off wheni read that. honestly i was skeptical . the plant discards them on its own as is . but to cut off healthy leaves sounded like alot of stress on the plant. i figured it was dumb besides the size of this plant would take 2 hours to do that and it would...
  3. J

    water leaves

    i was told by a friend that i could trim off the water leaves of a plant to get a bit more thc into my bud. now i was described as the darker green leaves belo0w where the stem for the bud begins in the water leaf. in the pic its the fan leaf thats pointing towards the bottom of the pic. is that...
  4. J


    awesome another of mine went hermi on me
  5. J


    2.5 weeks into bloomk. 12/12 light cycle blooming ferts. does it look female?
  6. J


    does this look female. 2.5 weeks from start of bloom. 12/12 pull bloom ferts
  7. J

    is this male or female?

    Thnx all. To be honest that plant has been to he'll and back a few times some I'm surprised from he stress it didn't go male. Any tips would help a lot. I've heard that stress acid ad such can influence gender is this true?
  8. J

    is this male or female?

    could anyone tell me if this looks male or female, im thinking male. im 1.5 weeks into blooming switched to 12/12 from 18/6
  9. J

    Need help uploading pics and making a album

    amazing i dont get an upload feature. all i can do is make a dittle and a descriptio0n. no upload feature
  10. J

    After creating an Album in my Profile How do I add Pics In it?

    im trying to figure it out also, the last post i found on it was dated at 2007. pretty sure the site has chnaged since then
  11. J

    npk inquiry

    The mixture states 1/4 tsp per gallon of water. Should i use that measurement or smaller
  12. J

    cactus soil

    I have some miracle gro cactus palm and citrus soil. It contains sphagnum peat mos, composted forest products , sand, and perilite. Would this be accepable to grow with and npk is .12-.04-.18
  13. J

    npk inquiry

    Is 30-10-10 a bad ratio for my plants? Or 24-8-16?
  14. J

    If you get a chance could you please refer back to my post you had answered on. I would greatly...

    If you get a chance could you please refer back to my post you had answered on. I would greatly appreciate your input. Thank you
  15. J

    What's Wrong?

    13-13-13 is bad? The rest of the plant including new growth is lush deep green and growing well. Its just those three leaves which are on the lower end of the plant. If that is the case, what should I do. Also a little off topic but if I wanted to transfer this plant to a ebb an flow using...