Recent content by J3lly33

  1. J

    How much bigger will my buds get

    I honestly don't know nothing but what I’ve seen my husband do...his buds will hmmm start bring down the branch like it starts to tip and his...hmmm look thinner like your girl got to much leaves to much going on...I only remember husband saying all the extra you got is going to take away from...
  2. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    LMAO good one....I wish...he’s out getting first run set up, I’m not gonna lie I love the benefits...because of his girls I get to carry real purses :D no fugly counterfeit crap, and all I had to do was mix 6 stuff, in the order he wrote, n water her once a day...N here I am about 2 weeks in...
  3. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    Because I’m a newbie in every way I dont know how to like your picture...I’m looking n looking for a thumbs up to like your picture but can’t find it but I 1000 likes your comment and then I stuck an emoji n the forum turned it into a female funny sign on my last post sooo....1000 likes :D...
  4. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    No!!!! I don’t want to take part I like your wife’s role but I get it you guys want us to be proud of how beautiful her buds are cause you put so much work into it but I tell you when we down there with you and you are not saying anything just quietly admiring your handiwork and her beauty, our...
  5. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    I wish Frank...(exhale) this man done did hydro rock well (green cubes) (I killed a whole room of those), he done these funny round things before, he’s done soil (I think he had issues with mites n stuff in soil), and he’s done coco....he’s been through them all.
  6. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    See told u guys he’s on the phone saying ok I’ll face time you later see how she’s doing...Aaaagghhh I mean I get it cause he loves them and dirty whores they are they love him too they pay him back 1000x’s over so I know why he loves them...I’m just mad at myself for messing up....but in my...
  7. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    Hmmm I’m talking to him right now and just casually put out there why his girl so thirsty and that how come some people water ever 2 days and he said “ cause thats soil she is coco” so fingers still crossed right....coco miss 1 day ok....
  8. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    Thank you so much you guys, just needed some in put from knowable growers...honestly had no one to ask. I don’t know how u guys do it I swear iI do everything he says and the ppm is not in the range he says it should be, but I do ph cause he says she won’t drink if her ph is not correct, and...
  9. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    Ok...thank you....‍♀️
  10. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    Yes...I’m anxious as f*ck rihht now so I’m babbling cause I have no one to run to but shes not big like his others I killed cause I didn't water...she’s pretty small...ok fingers crossed...
  11. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    She’ll be ok right? I didn’t mess her up to bad missing 1 water day and then watering her at night? I just remember one distant conversation where he was going on and on about how you have to water ever day especially in they are in soil...
  12. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    Her fat ass is in this stage I dont know what that is but I know he’s telling me I have to pluck her leaves and thin her put next week
  13. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    The thing is I swear he’s gonna know cause he’s always asking me for pictures or face time to see her...her fat thirsty ass is sitting is soil and she seems to need more water these past few days and because I missed this one day he’s gonna see her leaves or something and just know...
  14. J

    Help...please ok to miss 1 water day in coco

    Maybe 5 hours I think I’m not sure when I get home from work and check her at about 7 to 8 her lights are on, but I went to read online n it said ur suppose to water them when they wake up... the thing is I’ve killed his plants before when he was away...I was watering dead plants, there was more...