Recent content by Isis

  1. Isis

    Love, peace, cannabis

    Love, peace, cannabis
  2. Isis

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Hey TC Long time no speak. Glad to see you're still up to no good! :weed:
  3. Isis

    Magical Butter Machine Reviews ?

    Endpro: maybe it has something to do with the way your body processes cannabinoids during first pass metabolism :confused: An edible is always going to have a different effect than smoking, theres some research to suggest its the increased levels of 11-hydroxy-thc metabolite that result from...
  4. Isis

    What does an 8th go for where you live?

    A true humanitarian :lol:
  5. Isis

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    youre an animal!! lol Muah!
  6. Isis

    Lil mama's first grow-Please comment and advise!!

    damn that high...ok then it must be that because like I have been hovering around 600. I think its because i use tap water and it comes out at 300 ppm so it always seems like I have more in there than i do (like when it reads 850 that really only 550 because of the 300ppm of crap in my tap)...
  7. Isis

    Healthy plants yellow leaves???

    Just went into flower three days ago with feminized snow white and things are going well except all of new leaves spouting on one plant are yellow, some all yellow and some on the middle of the leaf going out. My nutes have been low, around 550-700 ppm this past week. Could this be the...
  8. Isis

    Lil mama's first grow-Please comment and advise!!

    So all of my babies seem to be ladies because I see little white hairs on the bases of the top nodes. :weed: Im worried though, because all of the new leaves on one plant are yellow. (first pic and the plant on the right in the second pic) The leaves arent brittle or blotched or anything...
  9. Isis

    Clone Woes--Fogging mister help

    just took some clones from my snow whites and am trying to get them to sprout roots in this mister. Basically its just a fogger that surrounds the roots in mist. I have been spraying the leaves with foliar spray. I am a bit concerned tho because the instructions said to keep the fogger on...
  10. Isis

    Lil mama's first grow-Please comment and advise!!

    thanks....i knew i could count on you for some good if i could only make sure these clones will survive ;)
  11. Isis

    Lil mama's first grow-Please comment and advise!!

    ok so finally got my cloning game together...decided to use a fogger/mister to make the clones under a 65 wt CFL. so they are just held up by foam inserts suspended over the fog. Used cloning gel and things seemed to be going smoothly but then the fogger inadvertently got unplugged for about an...
  12. Isis

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    mmmm enjoy...wish i had a few shrooms this weekend ;) hope to get started maybe next week just got this cloner so trying to get that done asap. ttyl tc :leaf:
  13. Isis

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    seems like a lot of prep work but def worth it. I havent done shrooms for about 6 years, reading your accounts of your latest trip gave me fond memories :)
  14. Isis

    DwR's +20 Plant Grow

    so pretty green as far as the eyes can see
  15. Isis

    New rollitup?

    this new one is to slick and sophisticated, the other one was more real and down to earth feeling...however since im fairly new the memories of the old site are fading fast :P