Recent content by imburne

  1. imburne

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    I did a foliar spray the other day with 10% skim milk and the rest RO water for the powder mold issues I have. Normally I just spray with RO water only. Well I will tell you they really perked up!! Not only that but it killed the mold that was on any leaf I hit it with. I could tell the leaf...
  2. imburne

    powdery mildew on leaves 3rd wk flower

    oh a few other points.. When you spray, turn off all the fans and make sure the lights are on. This really makes it stick perfect! Takes 5 minutes to spray and I would suggest a minimum of 5 minutes before turning back on the circulation. Also remember this is a good bandaid for the mold, but...
  3. imburne

    powdery mildew on leaves 3rd wk flower

    Its going to get WAY worse if you do not take care of it. I am having the same problem now but finally stopped being lazy last night and did something about it. Since you are in flower, I would not suggest spraying neem on them as it will make the plant taste crappy. Skim milk 10% and the rest...
  4. imburne

    The art of the deal

    Only sell to people you know and let them think YOU have another source and never the grower. Friends are always good and long term customers is what you want.
  5. imburne

    Pure blend nutes…

    Have used the line and am happy with the results. Have not really tried anything much besides botanicare, but my mentor used alot and he is stuck on botanicare
  6. imburne

    Given a clone, dont know what to do.

    Should be a easy plant to grow since its a sativa. Beware it might get a little tall but it will be fun learning how to grow! Good luck and god bless.
  7. imburne

    News from california!!!!! Great newwwsss!!! SACRAMENTO - Today, in a 4 to 3 vote, the California Assembly's Public Safety Committee passed A.B. 390, legislation that would tax and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. This is the first time in U.S. history that a state...
  8. imburne

    Howard Marks - A Video Diary

    Sorry I am not sure on how to post it up right.. but the whole thing IS on the youtube.. Someone repost it nice please?
  9. imburne

    Clones from a flowering plant.

    You have to be pretty decent with cloning for one, but I can vouch that it has worked for me too. From my experience the clone growth is much slower (from having to go back to 18/6). I have had a major case of spider mites, so I have had to ditch about 30 clones of mine plus the moms...
  10. imburne

    Howard Marks - A Video Diary
  11. imburne

    New LED Grow, Going with the Jaguar 300 Watt Electromagnetic Growlight

    Well its kinda different from LED... Any thoughts? I have used LED's before and wasn't too happy with the flowering value of it. In all honesty I think it was because of the company that made them didn't do...
  12. imburne

    The Perfect Garden Videos

    Works fine.. I just tried it.. Here is part 2
  13. imburne

    The Perfect Garden Videos

    I will post the other ones shortly
  14. imburne

    LED's, Doing another Test with a Different Company!

    Some of you remember we did a test run with Sunshine-Systems LED's. They worked out great by the way! Anyhow I just wanted to give these guys some love since they are pretty new.. We have been testing the Cougar and the Jaguar Type R for the past two months and they are stellar! We have...
  15. imburne

    Palmdales 150w hps grow Sweettooth, Hindu Kush

    Its raining ash