Recent content by IllGlass

  1. I

    Congratulations Connecticut!

    We'll take what we can get!
  2. I

    bho 1st attempt

    Looks a bit green, did you grind the material before you did your run? How fresh was your material? you can pull out excess chlorophyll that way. Looks like you may have overcooked it as well, did the color change during purge? over-purged oil gets dark. The oil is still totally safe to dab...
  3. I

    Any Advice on Ganga and Personality Disorders?

    I apologize if my post came off like "social personality disorders are mumbo jumbo and fake". I don't feel this way in the least i truly do feel that people fall behind due to negative social interaction, brain chemistry, and specific environmental effects. But to throw around general terms...
  4. I

    Any Advice on Ganga and Personality Disorders?

    Don't listen to that bullshit. "personality disorder"= not the average way of processing information or emotions(humans are genetically all set up to think and feel the same? laughable) . Sounds like you're a normal person who just likes to smoke weed. Pick whatever strain you want because the...
  5. I

    Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

    An excess of anything will cause the body issues; for example Red meat, Acidic fruits, Coffee, etc. The simple fact that you stopped smoking for a few days is a change in one single variable of your life, this doesn't necessarily mean that its the substance itself that is the problem, it could...
  6. I

    Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

    Delete this thread please.
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    My First Grow - Opinions/Advice?

    With four plants if you're running a sealed tent even without a carbon filter the smell rarely tends to leave the room the tent is in, if you were running more plants it would be different. Do you have a carbon filter? forgive me if that's been mentioned.
  8. I

    200w cfl, Super Sour OG x2, Updated Daily With Pics Soil Grow Please Subscribe

    Your soil seems a bit chunky, maybe think of adding some perlite in your mix come transplant. Other than that i can't wait to see this progress, best of luck.
  9. I

    First Grow..Hempy/Double Screen Scrog/Tent/400W HPS Cool Tube...Comments/Advise?

    I'd say twenty more days give or take five. No serious burn or moisture stress looks like smooth sailing till chop. Nice job!
  10. I

    Need advice on Cleaning an oil rig with iso and reclaiming oil.

    Melt a gram of it into 4 or so chocolates on super low heat just enough for it to mix in fully. cool chocolates and enjoy.