Recent content by Ikweetwelwatofniet

  1. Ikweetwelwatofniet

    4,8 by 2,4 tent with Aeroflow 40

    Nobody? Is it because i am from the Netherlands?
  2. Ikweetwelwatofniet

    4,8 by 2,4 tent with Aeroflow 40

    Hi guys, I hope you can give some advice. I want to buy a 4.8x2.4 Gorilla tent mainly because of the infrared roof but when you are Using led you dont need the infrared at all people say? Also i am looking and looking at leds but how do i fill the room with the best light spread? Any...
  3. Ikweetwelwatofniet

    New but experienced

    Hi guys, I am from Holland and an experienced grower on soil. t least that is what i think :-). I am going to invest in new equipment and i am just about to finish up my list but then i came across this great forum so i thought why not ask for advice! So i hope you are willing to give me some...