Recent content by iejaculatefire

  1. iejaculatefire

    Plant is getting beat up

    Thanks topfuel used the cal-mag seeing improvement already thanks brother!
  2. iejaculatefire

    Plant is getting beat up

    How much Cal/Mag do you use? By the looks of it right now it probably needs a while to finish right?
  3. iejaculatefire

    What's the problem? Help!

    My guess from what I`ve seen too much nutr or water
  4. iejaculatefire

    Plant is getting beat up

    Hey everyone, this is my first plant shes had a bit of a rough go. During veg she got eaten by a groundhog bounced back and is flowering. Had and may still have a problem with thrips. Used the hot pepper treatment seemed to work. Can't see them anymore but looks like thrip damage to me. And now...
  5. iejaculatefire

    Barneys farm sent me 2 orders and one is weird?

    Ever order and not get them at all?
  6. iejaculatefire

    What does an early bud look like?

    How many lights did you use. Mine looks exact like your first pic but a lot shorter cause a groundhog topped it and now its just short and fat. I think i need to increase my lighting. I have 2 cfl putting out approx 1600 lumens each. Nice plant btw.
  7. iejaculatefire

    Growing fast, but not really growing...

    Mine got topped by a groundhog about a month ago. She turned into a very healthy girl.
  8. iejaculatefire

    Calicleaner spray need help please possible mites

    Then why respond. Whatever dude
  9. iejaculatefire

    Anyone use the calicleaner spray?

    Thanks Havek think what i got are orange thrips
  10. iejaculatefire

    Calicleaner spray need help please possible mites

    I noticed this morning that with a magnifier i can see tiny orangish bugs at my flowing spots and what looks like eggs at the base of some of my leaves on top. Has anyone tried the calicleaner method and if so how much can i spay on my plant. thanks a ton
  11. iejaculatefire

    Anyone use the calicleaner spray?

    I noticed this morning that with a magnifier i can see tiny orangish bugs at my flowing spots and what looks like eggs at the base of some of my leaves on top. Has anyone tried the calicleaner method and if so how much can i spay on my plant. thanks a ton
  12. iejaculatefire

    Young plant got attacked by ground hog need some advice!

    Anyone know if its male or female?
  13. iejaculatefire

    Whats wrong with this baby

    Too much nutrients maybe? Similar thing happened to mine I just back off the nutrients for a bit.
  14. iejaculatefire

    Young plant got attacked by ground hog need some advice!

    This is my first time growing started from seed. I have been putting it outside every morning for as long as there is light then transfer it indoors to a lit box. About a week ago my young one was getting nice and bushy about 10 inches high or so and I came outside to check it and a groundhog...