Will do.. Not sure I'd use the rainwater here in Northern Virginia. Supposed to rain tomorrow, guess I could catch some and see what it runs. I live pretty close to DC, so not sure how the pollution affects our rain water. My tap is 8.. Distilled is 7.. Nothing seems to budge this stuff.. Not...
How do I safely lower it into. The correct range? 1 plant is thriving, 1 is so so and the 3rd is really struggling.. Please help, I'm new to this and don't have a clue!
I see. That makes sense now. If the ph is off how do I adjust it? Adjusting the ph of my water doesn't even seem to do it. Could the soil be locked in at 7?
I'm using purple Cow Indicanja living soil. Is it possible to have a boron deficiency in live soil? It looks like so many different things. I'm just lost in trying to figure it out.
Hi everyone,
New to this site and I'm a first time grower. My plants are now in the beginning vegetative phase. I'm growing in a 2'x4' mylar tent. I have 3 plants. 1 Mixed Berry, 1 Dark Star and a 1Secret #28.. The first 2 are strong plants, the Secret 28 started slow but it's coming on now...