Recent content by Hufnuf

  1. Hufnuf

    Mushroom bag hole

    Thanks Richard !
  2. Hufnuf

    Mushroom bag hole

    Hello guys for information I bought a bag of birdfood and I poured boiling water in it. I thought that with a hair heater (don't know the name in English) the opening I made would just melt close. Done that but when I turned the bag upside down there was water dripping out. I just took ductape...
  3. Hufnuf

    45 watt enough?

    yo so i just wanne ask if 45 watt is enough for in my closet, the spectrum is between 450-660 but the watt is just 45 will this have yield ?
  4. Hufnuf

    y'all got advise ?

    So I wanna start growing sum nice pot but it's my first time and i live in a colder climate. So what would you guys give for advise -> i'm broke but i could buy 3 seeds of of zamnesia and to explain how the sun is here atm the max is always 2 UV rn. What would you recommend. Low light low odor...