Recent content by homegrownboy

  1. homegrownboy

    best organic flower nuts going please?

    I take advice from the company, I just was interested in one of the strains he was growing, and that’s kinda how it all started. Plus, we all make mistakes, even the pros. Having a few grows on the go isn’t always easy, especially when life is involved.
  2. homegrownboy

    best organic flower nuts going please?

    If someone wants to just actually explain that would be great! Are you saying the product did this, or Mr Canuck did this? An easy explanation to someone who’s been out of the game for a long time would be helpful instead of all these useless comments! I’m guessing he’s not liked around here...
  3. homegrownboy

    best organic flower nuts going please?

    I’m trying out Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 for some autos I’m doing. First time with organics and I’m lovin it so far. Making the full switch from AN next grow with some photos. If you’d like more on this, check out Mr Canuck on YouTube, as he’s the one that has made me switch. There are others...
  4. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    I have an Aperia PH60 tester, and a Bluelab soil tester. I do maintain calibration so there’s minimal issues. Thank you for your input, propbably one of the more valuable comments. I realize I’ve been out of the game for so long, but I have never had issues like this before where every plant...
  5. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    You sir, know your shit. I sent you a PM.
  6. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    If she wasn’t in a 15G pot and flowering, I totally would. For now I’m taking my loss, try to work with what I have and start over once these are done. I’m going fully organic from here on out though. Tired of the chemical route after 30ish years of growing.
  7. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    I’m thinking the same. I’ve seen a few others post similar issues I’m having and it’s been chalked up to a bad batch. There is no way it would take a month for a feeding schedule to go haywire overnight. I would have seen signs long before this.
  8. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    You could be right. I just don’t understand why every plant I transplant into the new Promix has this issue. As far as the feeding goes, I highly doubt it would take a month for signs to show, especially when the clone isn’t receiving near that amount and has the exact issues right after...
  9. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    It was actually designed with the Lucas method in mind. Straight from Advanced Nutrients reps! It wasn’t the PPM also, since I was feeding her 1600 for a whole month with zero issues until the transplant.
  10. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    There is nothing wrong with the routine. Its even a recommendation from AN themselves. It was designed for old school guys like me. If you’re not familiar with the routine, I suggest you check it out. If it was my routine my plants would have shown it long before transplant. It only happens when...
  11. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    I don’t generally check soil PH either, but when it originally happened with the clones I tried everything to reverse it, but couldn’t save them. Then someone said to check my soil PH, so I bought a soil tester and saw how low the PH was. He said the same thing, instant lockout and nutrient burn...
  12. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    And today, burnt and lockout with a soil PH of 5.
  13. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    That was them a week ago. A few days after transplant. Don’t have good pics of the clone, but the bigger one is the mystery seed. As you can see she was loving the feeding until the transplant. I should also state that the clone was only getting 8-900PPM. That was her happy spot.
  14. homegrownboy

    ProMix HP

    Oh goodness no lol. My mystery seed sativa who was in a 5 gallon pot at the time, and is now in a 15g pot. She’s just over 3 months old. The clone is just over 2 months old now and in a 3g pot. As for the measuring of dry amendments, Gaia Green needs 3tbsp per gallon when you amend the soil, and...